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Reasons for the shaking of the mobile screen



Solve the Samsung phone screen flickering problem



Twitch in Samsung screen
The problem of screen flickering on the Samsung phone, 
which some call some strange terms such as “screen 
twitching” or “screen oscillation” or “screen blinking” 
or some other names, they all symbolize the same thing, 
but in the end we agree that it is a scary problem when it
 occurs because you might think That there is something 
wrong or defective in the display board of the phone.
 But actually, we have good news for you.



Samsung phone screen flickering problem:
Most cases of the Samsung phone screen flickering 
problem are usually caused by a problem in the software 
itself, that is, in the One UI program, and it is not a problem
, technical defect, or malfunction in the phone screen. 
There are several procedures that we can offer you through
 this article to fix this problem. But before we delve into the
se procedures, we have a quick set of instructions that we 
recommend that you try before starting the steps that we 
will explain in the following paragraphs. You can also 
learn how to wake up the phone screen by simply lifting
 it up without pressing the power button.


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For example, you can restart the phone, update applications,
 especially those with which the problem appears
 annoyingly, or even remove all applications that you
 installed recently. Even Samsung has a valuable set of 
instructions and tips published on its official page in order
 to fix the problem of the Samsung phone screen flickering, such as the need to ensure that there are no cracks in the screen, remove the screen protector, remove any stickers that block the sensors, clean the screen well, and do not wear gloves while using the phone.
 While all of these tips are relatively good, if none of them 
fix it, you should try the solutions that we are going to
 share with you through this article in the hope that you
 will be able to fix the problem without going to any of the 
specialized service centers.

mobile screen


What is the cause of the screen flickering?
1- Disable Adaptive Brightness Mode:
 Disable adaptive brightness mode
Adaptive Brightness is certainly one of the amazing 
features in all smartphones that adjusts the screen 
brightness rate based on the ambient light conditions. 
In this way, the screen can not only save a large percentage
 of the battery charge when using the phone in dark rooms,
 but it also tries to protect the human eye from stress and
 fatigue caused by staring at the bright screen lighting.

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However, the only downside to this feature is that it may
 sometimes cause screen flickering, especially when using 
the phone in low-light conditions. So, the first step that you
 can do in order to fix the Samsung phone screen flickering
 issue is to disable it


Adaptive charge for a while and check if the problem is 
gone or not.



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2- Modify the screen refresh rate:
Adjust the screen refresh rate
If your phone has a screen with high refresh rates, it is
 possible that when increasing the refresh rate, it helps to 
enhance the screen response speed and reduce input time 
better. Therefore, if you have previously tried to set the
 refresh rate to low rates in order to save on charging or 
for any other reason, try to reset it to the maximum refresh 
rate supported by your phone screen. You can do this by 
going to Settings -> Display -> Motion Smoothness, then
 choose "High" instead of Standard and click "Apply".
Reasons for j7 mobile screen shaking
3- Use a different charger or another USB cable:

If you notice the problem of screen flickering, the Samsung
 phone only appears when you use the phone while it is
 placed on the charger specifically, then the culprit here
 may be the charger or charging cable that you are using.
 It is very likely that the charger or USB cable that you are 
using to charge the phone is not compatible with Samsung
 charging standards, which is causing the wrong electric 
current or unstable voltages to pass.
Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that you use an 
approved charger and the original charging cable or an 
original charging cable from a reputable brand. In this way,
 you not only protect your phone screen, but also protect 
the phone's battery. Always try not to use any chargers 
other than those approved by Samsung
Or leading brands in the power solutions industry such as
 Anker, Belkin, RavPower, etc.
 Screen jerk


4- Make sure there are no cracks in the screen:
Make sure there are no cracks in the screen 
You must make sure that your phone is completely intact
 from any cracks, cracks or fractures, especially the screen.
 Even if there are cracks that are not immediately visible or
 noticeable, they may be the cause of the Samsung phone 
screen flickering issue. So, you will need to take off the 
case and remove the screen protector to make sure that the
 phone is not damaged. It is also worth noting that in some 
cases the flashing problem may occur as a result of a
 manufacturing defect or a technical defect in the phone’s
 internal components. For example, if the internal screen 
cable melts as a result of the high temperature, or if it is 
loose and not connected properly, it can cause a large
 number of problems, including screen flickering. 
Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about it Only 
with the help of experts and specialists in maintenance 



With my best wishes


عن الكاتب

عبدالرحمن مجدي - Abdo magdy انا عبدالرحمن 🥰 بحب الطبخ جدا 💖وبحب اجرب اكلات جديده وغريبه 😋


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the smell of roses