the smell of roses the smell of roses

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Smallpox disease in children


It is considered a type of viral infection that is accompanied by severe fatigue with a rash,


Knowing that when infected with smallpox, the patient must take the necessary vaccine and receive treatment quickly so as not to negatively affect the patient’s health, and not to transmit the disease through infection.


In the following, we learn, according to recent studies, the

 most important symptoms and causes of smallpox, and methods of prevention and treatment



Causes of smallpox
Smallpox is transmitted from person to person through 
direct contact with the person infected with the virus, 
which is transmitted through the air through droplets
 resulting from coughing or sneezing.
Smallpox form in its infancy
The form of smallpox grains in children at its infancy



Smallpox virus is transmitted:
By touching contaminated items such as bedding and sheets.
Being in places that are not well ventilated with other 
people who have the disease.
It is worth noting that, according to studies and 
recommendations, the incubation period for chickenpox is 
approximately 14 to 16 days, and a person becomes 
infected with smallpox between 10 and 21 days from the 
beginning of transmission after the incubation period, and
 it continues for a period ranging from 4 to 7 days. 
Transmission of the disease and infection to others 
continues during the period between the onset of the 
fever and until all the scabs have subsided.
Signs of smallpox in children
Smallpox symptoms
 sintomas de chickenpox 
Duration of smallpox treatment in children
Smallpox in children



Smallpox symptoms
Sudden and frequent high fever.
severe headache
back pain
Abdominal pain.
Rash, especially on the hands and face.
Complications of dehydration.
Toxic shock syndrome.
Brain inflammation.
Bacterial infection of the skin, tissues, joints, and bones.
Smallpox symptoms



Symptoms of smallpox in children:


A few days after smallpox infection in children, several symptoms begin to appear, including:




Red spots appear on the face and hands, and then appear on the forearms.


The spots then turn into small blisters filled with a transparent liquid, and then it turns into suppuration.


These suppurations fall off after about 9 days but leave deep scars on the skin.


Categories most affected by smallpox:


Infants and newborns.


Pregnant women and those who have not had chickenpox before.


adults and adolescents.




Those suffering from disorders in the immune system.


Those who suffer from diseases such as asthma, and are receiving steroid medications.


Effect of smallpox on pregnant women:
When pregnant mothers contract smallpox, this can affect 
the fetus, causing deformities in the limbs and low birth 


To prevent smallpox infection
Chickenpox treatment
Food poisoning symptoms and treatment methods:
When the mother is infected with smallpox shortly before 
birth, the child is exposed to infection, which threatens the 
life of the infant.
 Symptoms of chickenpox
Ways to prevent chickenpox:
It is important to receive the appropriate vaccine for 
children to prevent smallpox infection, and this is through
 vaccinations, which the child must receive from birth on 
the correct dates.
People who suffer from smallpox must be excluded, 
whether at school for children or at work for adults, so that 
the disease does not transmit to others, in addition to that
 smallpox requires adequate rest so that the disease can
 be recovered quickly.
Wearing cotton clothes that are free of synthetic fibers, 
which increase the rate of skin irritation and itching when
 infected with smallpox.
 herpes genital hsv 1 
Bathing with lukewarm water, which helps to reduce the 
itching caused by smallpox, with the use of a shower
 gel free of chemicals.
 Smallpox treatment
Treating chickenpox
Quick cure for smallpox
Prevention of smallpox infection
Appropriate food for patients with chickenpox
Foods containing zinc that help boost the immune system,
 including legumes and vegetables.
Focus on eating fruits such as bananas, melons, and apples,
 which are among the fruits that help hydrate the body 
Eat foods that contain magnesium and calcium, including
 milk and beans, making sure that you are not allergic to
 these foods.
Eat leafy vegetables, which contain a high percentage of 
vitamin A, which helps speed recovery from smallpox 
and chickenpox
Ensure adequate fluid intake throughout the day, and eat
 plenty of water, warm soup, and juices, to prevent 
dehydration, which is a complication of smallpox.
 herpes virus simplex
With my best wishes


عن الكاتب

عبدالرحمن مجدي - Abdo magdy انا عبدالرحمن 🥰 بحب الطبخ جدا 💖وبحب اجرب اكلات جديده وغريبه 😋


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the smell of roses