the smell of roses the smell of roses

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Common hair brushing mistakes




Common hair brushing mistakes:
In general, the hair combing process may lead to unintended
 errors that cause damage to the hair and scalp, which we 
will mention below, the most prominent of which are:
The direction of combing the hair:
 In our topic today we are talking about the benefits of upsid
e down hair, as combing the hair in the usual direction from
 the roots to the ends is one of the very common mistakes, 
which can lead to hair damage and weakening.

Combing the hair with applying care creams:
 If you comb your hair after applying the moisturizing 
cream or hair mask, which may cause tangles when 
applying it and massaging the hair and head with it, which 
makes you want to untangle them directly by combing, as 
this method causes great damage to the hair, and you have 
to replace the brush by untangling using your hands.
combing hair 

Combing wet hair:
 Although showering makes your hair tangled, the idea 
of ​​brushing it while it's wet is one of the worst things you 
can do to your hair. When wet, the roots are more brittle 
and weaker, making your hair more prone to breakage. 
It's important to try to air-dry your hair a bit before you 
start combing it.
Back combing:
This method causes the hair to be strongly pulled back, 
which leads to its strong pulling, which causes it to fall 
and become weak, and the opposite process is more 
beneficial because it has a role in enhancing the blood 
circulation activity in the hair.
Benefits of combing hair before bed
You may be interested in acne, skin and hair vitamins,
 and skin care
Not cleaning the hairbrush:
 The cleanliness of the hairbrush is no less important than 
the makeup brush, so you should wash it once a week, and 
you should get rid of the hair that has fallen out with it 
constantly, because not washing it and leaving the hair in 
it allows greasy substances and dirt to accumulate inside 
it, so it returns and transfers to your hair when you use it
combing hair
Benefits of combing hair every day
It gets rid of old hair stuck in your living hair, and it also 
removes dead skin cells from the scalp.
It gives the hair and scalp the opportunity to breathe and
 be ventilated, and it also renews its chances of living in 
comfort, so it is recommended to comb the hair before 
going to sleep.
Damage to combing hair upside down
The idea of ​​combing hair upside down
The simple process of combing the hair is important and 
has great benefits for the health of the hair and scalp in 
general, so combing represents life for the hair and
 therefore you must persevere with it and make it part of
 your daily routine:
Stimulating blood circulation in the scalp and hair,
 which improves hair health and strengthens its 
Arranging hair and giving it a healthy and vibrant look.
Brushing the hair reduces its entanglement, which helps in
 preventing it from falling out, which results from severe
combing of tangled hair.
Increased hair volume resulting from the penetration of air
 into the hair as a result of combing it, which gives it 
greater density and volume.
Combing cleans hair more effectively than shampoo.
Hair gets rid of impurities and sediment accumulated in it.
It came from the need to help massage the scalp, as the 
inverted combing represents one of the natural massage 
methods for the hair and head, especially since you will
 use a kind of natural oils during it, but apart from the
 upside-down combing method, there are the natural and 
usual methods of combing, whose instructions must be
 observed and followed to obtain better results, and in 
order to You avoid that the act of combing is reversed on the hair and its health. You can do the inverted combing for a short period during the month, which makes it easier for you to choose and adhere to it. Do not forget to take care and caution when choosing the days of the inverted combing so that they are spaced from the days of the menstrual cycle to avoid any side effects that may occur during it. 

With my best wishes



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عبدالرحمن مجدي - Abdo magdy انا عبدالرحمن 🥰 بحب الطبخ جدا 💖وبحب اجرب اكلات جديده وغريبه 😋


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the smell of roses