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Acoustic Asbestos Ceiling Removal



Acoustic Asbestos Ceiling Removal


So you have an acoustic asbestos ceiling, but you don’t want it

anymore because:

 1) it collects cobwebs and dust that are difficult to remove; and 2) it discolors with age. You want to remove it. What can you do?


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The solution is simple

remove the entire asbestos ceiling. An acoustic asbestos ceiling removal should do the trick.


However, before you jump at the first opportunity to remove that hideous-looking ceiling, note that some older ceilings of houses dating back to circa 1950 and every year before 1970 may contain asbestos, a kind of mineral that has been identified as a contaminant causing cancer and various other lung disorders.


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It is literally impossible to try to determine if your ceiling has asbestos just by looking at it. In order to find out if your ceiling indeed contains asbestos, it is important to first perform an asbestos check before deciding on an acoustic asbestos ceiling removal. And even if the asbestos test comes out negative, it never hurts to add extra precaution in acoustic asbestos ceiling removal:


·       Wear a respirator. Asbestos is very easily airborne and inhaling the fibers of this mineral could cause it to enter the lungs, causing damage and eventually cancer.

·       Wear eye protection. Although asbestos diseases are usually caused by inhaling, it is doubtless that the mere exposure (of skin, of eyes) to asbestos fibers can cause some unpleasant effects. Asbestos warts are one example of asbestos-related disease caused by exposure of the skin to the mineral.

·       Inform everyone in the house that you’ll be doing an acoustic asbestos ceiling removal. This is so that they can keep their distance and minimize the risk of exposure to members of your family.

asbestos ceiling


After taking the appropriate safety procedures in acoustic asbestos ceiling removal, it is now time for you to consider the steps of the actual removal process.

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How to Remove


An acoustic asbestos ceiling removal is a delicate process. That is why it is usually left to the devices of licensed contractors to properly and safely remove asbestos containing materials from the ceiling. Still, for a successful acoustic asbestos ceiling removal, this involves wetting the ceiling’s surface.


You might ask why you have to wet the ceiling first. The reason for this is so that any asbestos fibers contained in the ceiling material do not become airborne and cause a hazard. You cannot see asbestos fibers; they are 1,200 times smaller than human hair, so you won’t really know if the fibers are airborne or not. But as a health precaution, wet the ceiling surface before attempting any acoustic asbestos ceiling removal.

asbestos contractor


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Of course, since you will be wetting the surface, your first step therefore is to protect your floors and furniture. Clear the room of furniture and cover the floors and everything else with plastic.

 asbestos ceiling


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With my best wishes


عن الكاتب

عبدالرحمن مجدي - Abdo magdy انا عبدالرحمن 🥰 بحب الطبخ جدا 💖وبحب اجرب اكلات جديده وغريبه 😋


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