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After School Extracurricular Activities: Too Much, Too Little



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After School Extracurricular Activities: Too Much, Too Little


The balancing act parents make when it comes to their child's after school extracurricular activities can be a challenge.  On one side, you have your busy life, with dinner to plan, kids to care for a home to care for and of course a job, too.  On the other side, you have the number of after school activities that your children want to be part of.  Where is the balance, if there is any?  For each family, there needs to be a different set of rules to follow.


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The Good About Extracurricular


There are many benefits to allowing your child to participate in these extracurricular activities. Your child will gain several benefits from doing so, including:


       The ability to interact with their peers on a teamwork basis

       They learn how to be social

       They learn large motor skills when they play sports or sports like activities

       They develop friendships which foster lifelong abilities to make friends and to be a friend

       They develop communication skills

       They become a good listener

       They develop skills they can use throughout the rest of their life

       They are getting physical activity that they need

       They learn how to share and work through disagreements


The list of benefits that these after school activities can offer is endless.  The range of opportunities for students can help you to see just how important it is to get your child involved in some form of activity.  Most importantly, you want to insure that your child is able to be happy with what they are doing.


Determine Opportunities And Interests


What is your child most interested in?  Some activities you want them to do and others they want to do.  Finding a balance here is important. Children that participate in any after school extracurricular will receive benefits from them, no matter what they are.  Yet, you may have a different view on what they should be doing.  You want them to take piano lessons; they want to play soccer.  You want them to do football they prefer to get involved with science club. There are many ways to get what both of you want.

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One of the best routes to take is to compromise.  Work with your child to determine what they want and what you want and then find a way to make both things work. They may not want to play football, but if they can do the science club too, they may be more willing to do both activities.  Find a way to work together to find the after school sports or activities that will fill both of your needs.

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Allowing kids to get involved within the areas that they wish to is one of the best ways for you to actually see benefits. If they enjoy doing the activities then they are more than likely going to do well at them.  They also will see a better confidence level and experience a higher self-esteem when they are doing good at the things you want them to do. 


On the other hand, you may have a child that is just unwilling to get involved. As a parent, you know the importance of doing so and you encourage your child to find activities that he or she will enjoy.  The key here is to give them options.  Shy children are unlikely to be excited about these activities even if they do like them because they are just afraid of the entire situation or have anxiety because of it.  Find an activity that you believe they will enjoy and get them involved. Stay with them, help them learn the skills needed and give them praise for a job well done.


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Finding the balance in extracurricular activities and your life may be the next problem you have.  The good news is many activities that take short amounts of time after school.  Get involved with the programs yourself and ultimately be sure to enlist the help of other parents when you need to be in two places at the same time.  Giving your child a few hours every day to after school activities will help them to be a more rounded studen




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With my best wishes


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