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جاري التحميل ...

Archery Hunting


Archery Hunting


Bow hunting or usually called archery hunting is one of the regulated hunting methods in the United States. Archery hunting also has its own special season to minimize its interference with rifle hunters. The technical regulations of archery hunting are regulated by individual states and provinces in an effort to maximize the recovery of games and shot lethality. However, some countries in Europe consider archery hunting as unnecessarily cruel to animals, thus, making it illegal.


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But if you are thinking of taking archery hunting next season, you need to prepare to be in a good condition. Preparing for archery hunting is not just about the equipments and gears, physical conditioning is also a factor. If you will go on bow hunting you must consider that bow hunters typically hike and climb about five to fifteen miles a day in a terrain that is more beautiful to look at rather that hiking on it. Most archery hunters condition themselves with cross-country training fitness programs. Most bow hunters undergo acclimatization training so that they will be in good shape when they go out to bow hunt.

Aside for physical training:

 most bow hunters make sure that they have all the proper supplies and equipments before going out to hunt. Here are some of the basic and essential supplies and equipment that a bow hunter must have when hunting.

·       Headlamp ­or Flashlight

·        one of the essential equipment of the hunting gear because most hunting expeditions usually lasts a few days. Nobody wants to grope in the dark, especially in the wilderness.

·       Sleeping Bags

·        – not only does a sleeping bag keep you warm at night it also protects you from bugs and insect while sleeping.

·       Knife

·        – self explanatory. Even amateur hunters would acknowledge that the knife has many uses.

·       First Aid Kit

·       – don’t leave home without it. The basic first aid kit is sufficient enough.

·       Nylon Rope or Cord

·       – has many uses, especially when settling at night. You can also tie your game with this so that you will have less difficulty in carrying your game.

·       Boots and Socks

·        – don’t just settle for any type of boots. Settle for the type of boots that structure of your feet needs. If you wear mountaineering type of boots that are uncomfortable, you take the risks of having foot injury.  Your boots should have enough support on your ankles and feet.

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·       Topography Maps

·       – don’t be too sure of yourself even if you are familiar with the surroundings. Even experience bow hunters get lost if they don’t bring topography maps with them.


Keep this in mind, if you can afford it, don’t sacrifice the quality of the equipment. If ever you can’t decide on particular equipment, always settle for quality, not the price.









With my best wishes


عن الكاتب

عبدالرحمن مجدي - Abdo magdy انا عبدالرحمن 🥰 بحب الطبخ جدا 💖وبحب اجرب اكلات جديده وغريبه 😋


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