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Tween Parties: Birthday Ideas



Tween Parties: Birthday Ideas


Tween parties

have taken on a new look and feel to them, especially when compared to the birthdays you have planned for your child when they were younger.  Something happens around the age of ten when children start to become their own individual selves.  They do not have the time of day for their parents most often.  How will you plan a birthday party for them even though they may not want you to get very involved?  The key is to know what they want and then to allow them to help plan the event.  It is likely it will not be a surprise, but you will be surprised with their happiness when you pull off a successful birthday party with them.


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Tween Parties: Birthday Ideas

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Getting Started: A Theme


For most tween parties, you will still be able to have a theme, though you won't find funny clowns and over the top cartoon characters adorning their cakes.  Instead, you are likely to find a variety of unique ways to get a theme going.  What does your child enjoy?  What themes can

you find that would fit that area?  If you are not sure, here are some ideas.


Slumber Parties:

Tween girls are likely to appreciate having a sleepover with their friends.  It is likely that things will have changed though.  They may want more privacy, scary movies and pizza rather than a younger themed party.  Still, this is a fun way for them to spend time with friends while still being safe with you.



  Boys are often involved with scouting at this age, which makes the campout party a great option for them.  Having a campout in the backyard is often just as good as going anywhere.  Boys too want a little bit of privacy and they often want to play a few games on their own.  Give them freedom, food and a few good ghost stories to tell.


Laser Tag:

 Both boys and girls will appreciate having a laser tag party.  It gets their adrenaline going and can often provide them with just the exercise they need.  Most laser locations will have beverages and pizza and may even have a birthday party special that will help pay for the event.

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Let Them In On The Plans


For most tweens, making sure that mom and dad won't screw it up is normal.  They want to be sure that you are going to pull of a cool birthday party one that their friends will have fun.  They do not want to be embarrassed!  Here are some tips to help keep you from making this the worst birthday ever.


·       Let them be part of the planning of the event.  They will find this to be one of the best ways to get what they are hoping for without having to worry about what you are doing.  They will enjoy planning it too.

·       Be sure to give the partygoers at least some distance.  While you should not leave them along yet, you can give them some space to talk and get to know each other.  You may be more willing to let your tween take over the basement than have a group of them upstairs anyway.

·       Set the rules.  Even though you may not have realized it, your tween may be planning to do something on their birthday that you did not know about it.  Or, they could get too loud.  For fear the neighbors call the police, be sure that you talk with your tween about the rules.  Let them know ahead of time so they know what you expect of them.


Most importantly, have fun.  Your tween is at an age where life is changing very rapidly for them.  They are going through new experiences everyday and it is frightening for them.  Even well adjusted tweens will find themselves overwhelmed at trying to keep up with the trends or having to fit in with friends.  For their birthday party, let tween parties be fun and you too will appreciate them.  After all, as long as you set the rules, give them what they are hoping for and plan a family birthday celebration, just think of this as another one of their growing pains.




With my best wishes


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