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How to take care of a newborn baby


How to take care of the hygiene of the infant after birth



Clean the baby immediately after birth


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The World Health Organization advises that the first bathing of newborns take place at least 24 hours after birth, others say to wait for a period of up to 48 hours or more, once the baby returns home, there is no significant need for daily bathing, until the umbilical cord heals, recommends Sponge cleaning by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Experts suggest doing this one to two times a week. Keeping your face, hands, and genitals clean with regular cleaning. When they're a little older, you can ramp up the frequency of bathing to become a routine.


How to take care of a newborn baby

Some may use bathing as a useful way to calm children down before bed.

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How do I take care of my newborn baby's hygiene:


At first, the bathtub or shower pan is filled with a medium amount of warm water. After this, the child is brought to the bathing area and fully undressed. The child is slowly placed in the bathtub, foot first, with both his head and neck supported to be above the water.


Remember to never leave a newborn without care inside the bathroom, not even for a split second. A plastic cup can be used to pour warm water on the part of the infant's body that is not inside the water, in order to prevent the infant from getting too cold while bathing.



Use your hand or a cotton towel with a small amount of baby shower liquid and gently wash the baby's body, making sure that his head and neck are fully supported throughout the bath time. After washing the whole body, use the plastic cup to gently rinse off the soap. Then dry the baby's body with a soft, clean cloth.


At the end, slowly lift the baby out of the bathtub, making sure to take great care, as the babies body can be slippery after bathing, wrap the newborn in a towel and then leave it to dry, because the baby's skin is still peeling after birth, so you can also use lotion Simple before getting dressed

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Maternal and infant hygiene



How to clean a baby after changing a diaper

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Things required before changing diapers:


Changing mat if it is not a designated place or changing table.


Bring extra diapers.


Bring cotton balls or tissues.


Providing wet wipes for children.


Baby cleanser.


Diaper rash cream, baby oil, or ointment.


Disinfecting wipes or disinfectant spray is optional.



Tips for the correct wiping:


It is very important to change the diapers during specific and regular appointments, change the baby's diaper immediately if it is dirty, noting that the diapers of newborns need to be changed frequently because they may urinate and defecate often.


Please make sure of the appropriate size of the diaper. The appropriate size of the diaper is important and must be chosen with focus. If the size of the diaper is too small for the child, it may lead to rashes, infections and irritation. If the size of the diaper is too large, leakage may occur due to poor grip on the body of the child.


When it's time to change a baby's nappy, place the baby on the changing table with a clean cloth, remove the nappy and lift the baby's legs until all areas are clean.



The nappy is folded and disposed of immediately, so the litter should be cleaned regularly to reduce odor and prevent bacteria.


Using wet wipes or cotton balls, gently wipe the place up to the back of the child, you should always clean from top to bottom, that is, from the front to the back area for girls and vice versa for boys, never clean from the bottom up because it may move bacteria, you can also use lukewarm water to clean .


Once these steps are completed, the baby's skin folds are dried properly to prevent infection.


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Clean between baby's toes




A lotion or powder is applied to the diaper areas, keeping away from the genitals.


Wash hands thoroughly after changing diapers.




If there is any rash around the diaper area, leave that area exposed and then apply appropriate products.


The child is never left alone on the changing table.


Clean the neck of the infant


One of the best ways to clean the neck of a newborn of milk or dirt is through appropriate hygiene for the age of the infant and bathing regularly and frequently, from the experience of mothers, the timing of bathing is the best way to clean any milk, saliva or runny nose is to be careful to clean the folds of the neck of the child, Mostly, bathing a newborn baby is difficult because the nature of the baby tends to be weak and fragile. To get it done right, you have to take the time with the right approach. You can use a squeeze bottle that is easy to handle and spray precisely on the neck area. This method It contributes to cleaning all the folds of the neck, and this is unlike a towel or pouring a cup of water, to make it easier, you only need to fill half a bottle with warm water and direct the gentle spray precisely at the folds


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Steps to clean the face of a newborn



Provide some cotton balls.


Soak a cotton ball in a quantity of warm water and then get rid of the excess water with the balls.


Clean the corners of the baby's eyes, then gently wipe from the inner to the outer corners.


Use a clean cotton ball for each stage.


Gently wipe around the entire nose to get rid of any mucus. It is best not to spray anything into the infant's nose, as this can damage the lining of the nose and lead to bleeding.


Wipe behind the ear of the child and around the ear from the outside, do not pass any tool inside the ear of the infant because it is very easy to damage the ear from the inside.


Gently wipe from under the chin to the neck, making sure to wipe between the folds of the skin.


Gently dry the newborn's skin with the soft towel, making sure it is dry under the skin folds and behind the baby's ears.


How to clean a newborn's nose


nasal syringe:


You can use this traditional method easily by squeezing the air out of the syringe, placing its tip gently in the child's nose, then releasing the syringe slowly to be suctioned to help draw out any secretions or mucus. It is noted that some types of nasal syringes come with changeable heads with a set of The syringes are of different sizes, which makes it possible to find the one that fits the child's nose exactly.



Nasal aspirator:


Nasal aspirators have become very popular recently, many parents feel that they are more effective and easier to use than traditional nasal syringes, with this method, the suction force will be provided through parents' mouth instead of by hand, and the aspirator usually comes with a mouth piece and a tube attached to a tube Similar to a syringe with an open, narrow tip, these straws also have disposable filters, so you don't have to worry about something being sucked in accidentally and snot going up in parents' mouths.


Nasal spray:


You may usually use nasal sprays in cases of nasal dryness. This method is useful if you find that the child’s nose cannot be cleaned easily because the mucus is rather thick or difficult to remove. While you can buy nasal sprays or drops that are diffused for children, you can also prepare drops at home from Through a cup of warm water with a quarter of a teaspoon of salt.


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With my best wishes


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عبدالرحمن مجدي - Abdo magdy انا عبدالرحمن 🥰 بحب الطبخ جدا 💖وبحب اجرب اكلات جديده وغريبه 😋


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