the smell of roses the smell of roses

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The secret of a successful marital relationship

How to make your husband happy - the secrets of a successful marital


What is the right married life?

Who among us does not seek success and happiness in her 
marital life, but marital happiness depends on mutual 
foundations, principles and values ​​between the spouses.
successful relationship 
This relationship should not be viewed from one side to
 the exclusion of the other, because marriage is a mutual 
relationship between the spouses, but there is a wife 
looking for the key to happiness with which she possesses 
her husband’s heart, and this is our topic today in this 


Secrets of a successful marital relationship:
Many believe that the search for the success of the marital
 relationship is shameful, but on the contrary, because each
 party must find the right way to reach the other in the right
 way, and the smart wife is the one who knows how to be 
the only owner of the key to her husband's heart.
 Here are some secrets that can help you in your search for
 the key to marital happiness.

The most important thing in married life
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The secret of a successful marital relationship

Emotional relationship:
This relationship needs art and management in dealing, 
so you must be constantly renewed, so he must see you 
different every day.
A man by nature loves praise, whether between you or in 
front of the family, so do not hesitate to praise him and
 express to him your love, gratitude and appreciation.
Make your husband only smell the best scents from you,
 always meet him with a smiley face, and don't frown at
 him, no matter your psychological state



During intimacy, pet him in the ways that you know he
 loves, and be renewed every time in your movements and 
phrases, because repetition leads to boredom.
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When your husband returns tired from work, don't be 
ashamed to do some massages for him, which will make
 him feel your interest in him.
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 If you find that your husband is in a bad mood, make 
things easy for him and calm him down until you change 
this situation.
Marital life skills

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Giving up control:
A man by his nature hates a woman who is authoritarian 
and in control of all life matters, especially those related 
to him, so you must give up your control and do not cling
 to your opinion and do not make any decision without
 referring to it.
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Take care to communicate:
Always be in contact with your husband during his 
absence from home and do not ignore this matter because 
it increases the positive relationship between you.
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How do you make your husband happy in bed?
Keeping secrets:
Marital secrets are a red line. Keeping secrets works to 
strengthen the relationship between you and your husband,
 which makes him feel safe.



The role of men in marital life
the friendship:
A partner is the best friend, so you must be an open book
 in front of your husband because he is your companion,
 and you must make him feel that he is the only friend you
 turn to at all times.

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Learn to forgive, for everyone is subject to error, and do 
not leave space for negative situations, even if they are
 small, in your life, and try to overcome problems and
 mistakes and forget them.
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deal with women
Put your husband at the forefront of your priorities, take
 care of his food, clothes, and bedding, as well as make 
your relationship with him your top priority.
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What is the right married life?
House and children care
Taking care of your husband does not mean that you 
neglect your household duties as a housewife and also as
 a mother who takes care of her children. Rather, this is 
one of the most important things that consolidate 
a successful marital relationship, because when your
 husband returns from work, he finds his house tidy and
 clean, the food he desires is ready, and everything is fine.
 He will certainly realize your value. in his life and increase
 his value.
Selfishness and self-love are in the nature of most people,
 but when you think that everything your husband offers 
must be in return for something greater on your part, there 
will be no place for selfishness between you, on the 
contrary, giving without thinking about taking is much
 higher and makes the relationship more solid.
How do you make your husband happy?
The beginning of married life


Choose the right time
Make sure to choose the appropriate time for each topic 
that needs discussion between you and your husband,
 because discussing with him at the wrong time may result
 in disagreements that you are indispensable to and do not
 discuss with him if he is stressful or tired. to sound 
How to please your husband talk
My dear sister, I hope that you will find the key to 
happiness that you are looking for, and I wish you 
success and peace of mind
With my best wishes


عن الكاتب

عبدالرحمن مجدي - Abdo magdy انا عبدالرحمن 🥰 بحب الطبخ جدا 💖وبحب اجرب اكلات جديده وغريبه 😋


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the smell of roses