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Characteristics of a stubborn woman


Women's stubbornness causes and treatment


stubborn personality



Stubbornness is one of the inherent human characteristics of all of us. It exists within us in varying degrees and we usually show it when needed.


However, this characteristic takes hold of some people and their permanent motto in life becomes, “My opinion is right and cannot be wrong, and your opinion is wrong and cannot be right.”

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Characteristics of a stubborn woman

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A stubborn person is called a person who clings to his opinions and ideas tightly and finds it difficult to get him to change them or even just discuss them.




Signs of stubbornness in women


There are three characteristics that clearly indicate stubbornness in women, and they are:


1- Execute her plans even if they are contrary to the wishes of everyone around her


2- Showing extreme anger when you try to express an objection to her opinion or discuss it with her


Marriage is a sacred bond that brings together a man and a woman and aims to establish a harmonious family that is the nucleus of a strong society.


The strength of the marriage relationship and the key to its success is understanding and sharing between these two partners. Every decision, big or small, affects the fate of that family positively or negatively

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What happens if there is no understanding and stubbornness between the spouses replaces it:


I expect that the life of this family will revolve around constant conflict and the inevitable end will be its dissolution sooner or later


From the leader here:


The norms in our eastern society assign the leadership of the family to the husband. He is the first official and opinion-maker to whom the task of making decisions is entrusted


while women's opinion becomes advisory in big matters and often may be marginal; Therefore, many men find it difficult to accept the idea of ​​their wives sticking to their opinion on a matter


You can imagine their view and the extent of their annoyance with the problem of the woman's stubbornness towards the man and her attempt to impose her opinion and argue with him at the core of his duties.


And if one of them asked his friend’s advice about his stubborn woman, the answer would be within the limits of “Manage her, man! or divorce her and rest.” But did anyone think of understanding the reasons for the wife's stubbornness and looking for a solution instead?!


Reasons for the wife's stubbornness


Stubbornness, like any behavior we do, is motivated by two main things. Either pay damage and avoid pain or reach a goal or gain.


Accordingly, the reasons for the woman’s stubbornness towards the man, which fall under these two items, can be clarified in the following points:


Previous life experience:


Life experiences and critical situations that we are exposed to - especially during childhood - contribute to shaping our awareness, and affect our behavior and the way we express ourselves.


That is why the first theory to explain the cause of women's stubborn behavior is their exposure to a sudden change in the environment in which they live during their childhood


In many cases, the family is forced to move, whether due to compelling circumstances such as war, or optional circumstances such as improving income


Usually this happens without adequate preparation of the children; They find themselves forced to leave everything behind and forced to adapt again


These and similar experiences create a strong fear in them of the idea of ​​change in general and a strong resistance to those who only think of imposing it





Sometimes a woman's stubbornness is nothing but a reaction to the domineering behavior of her husband who wants to impose his control and control over all decisions.


At that time, the wife feels that her freedom has been violated and she desperately wants to maintain her borders, and stubbornness is her only resort to defend herself.



Feeling of oppression or injustice:


A woman's stubbornness can be one of her means of venting feelings of injustice or oppression that she lives with her husband or experienced in her past. Her stubbornness may be her best way to annoy her husband and provoke his feelings of anger in response to his neglect of her.

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Talk about women's stubbornness


To achieve its objectives:


Some wives resort to stubbornness to fulfill their desires and demands, and adopt a long-term policy until the husband raises the flag of surrender.


Identity crisis:


Some women find it difficult to separate their identities from their ideas, opinions and beliefs, and they consider the husband's rejection of any of them as a personal rejection of them.


This pushes her to adhere to her ideas and opinions more, and to defend them and be very stubborn when only the husband tries to approach her.


The stubbornness of a woman in love



Is stubbornness a sign of love?


Have you ever thought about this question - is stubbornness a sign of love?




Perhaps your wife's stubbornness is just a desire to get your attention


Perhaps her pride in her opinion is an attempt to imitate some of the women who argue with you and show them your respect and appreciation.





The rule of the wife's stubbornness to her husband

What is the solution to the wife's stubbornness?




The marriage journey reveals many hidden qualities, behaviors and natures in both partners.


Some of these qualities are good and some are bad, some of them can be overcome and some are difficult to adapt to, some of which they try to change and some of which are difficult to approach.


Perhaps a woman's stubbornness is one of the worst, most difficult and exhausting traits, but it can be dealt with with some wisdom and skill.



Some tips for dealing with your stubborn wife:


First: anger is not a solution




The anger, argument and fight between you and your stubborn wife is not an appropriate solution, but rather it will complicate matters. Therefore, we advise you to choose a suitable time for discussion in which both of you are calm so that you can reach a solution.


Second: What is the reason?


Think about why your wife is stubborn with you:


Do you insist on imposing your opinion and controlling everything big and small, so she is forced to use counter stubbornness?


Is her vision blurry and she just needs you to clarify some information for her to be reassured?





How to weaken a stubborn woman


Third: Show some empathy.


Simple words expressing your sympathy for her and showing your love and respect for her and your appreciation for the importance of her opinion, and the extent of your desire to move forward while she is satisfied, may be the key to the solution that you are ignorant of, my dear.


This enhances her self-confidence and eliminates the doubts that may be spinning in her head, the most famous of which, as you know, is your desire to marginalize her.


Fourth: Find common ground:


One of the most important strategies for dealing with stubborn people is to give them the opportunity to choose or negotiate to reach a common solution that satisfies all parties.


Fifth: Do not always give up:


Your surrender every time your wife tries to be stubborn with you will root this behavior inside her more, and it will become her best way to reach her goal.


So prove your position after clarifying your opinion, discussing your motives, and putting forward the reasons for your decision



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Sixth: Reconsider:


The woman's stubbornness does not exclude the possibility that her opinion may be the right one. So do not reject her opinion for the sake of rejection and to break stubbornness.


And try to stand up and listen to her point of view well, as you may be wrong this time




Remember, my friend, that we are human beings and that our qualities - good or bad - are instilled in us from childhood. And changing it takes a lot of effort and work


Perhaps the solution to the wife's stubbornness is a lot of patience and understanding on your part to change her or even accept her as she is.




With my best wishes


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عبدالرحمن مجدي - Abdo magdy انا عبدالرحمن 🥰 بحب الطبخ جدا 💖وبحب اجرب اكلات جديده وغريبه 😋


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