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A man's heart is in love


A man's heart is in love


How does a man's heart relate to a woman?



If you want to know how to have the heart of the man you love, you must know the keys to that; Having the keys to a man's heart and the keys to a man's personality is the secret of your happiness.

Remember that he chose you over the rest of the women, you are in his heart (your home), set your goal to own his keys to be your home forever.

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A man's heart is in love

So what are those keys:


I offer you some tips and words that capture the heart of the man you loved, and those are the keys to your house, his heart.

Understanding a man's personality will help you understand how he thinks, and guide you on the right path to dealing with him.

Keys to a man's heart to love you madly:


His stomach... cook for him

Yes, the saying goes, “The shortest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” This is because cooking requires effort, especially if you master the distinctive taste and cook whatever food you like.


Cooking shows that you are able to take care of him; He trusts that he can count on you.


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private life

Romance between spouses is one of the most important keys to a man's heart. Because he likes to show your desire

 for him. Use your feminine powers to make your private life special and warm.

his parents

Treat them with respect and friendliness, ask about them and take care of their affairs. Ask him to visit his family's house together on an ongoing basis; To consolidate the relationship between you.

The husband feels safe and psychologically comfortable when your relationship is strengthened.

Match results... Share his interests:


While browsing your phone, knowing the results of his team's matches will not harm you. Share with him what he's interested in, even if it doesn't interest you personally.


Sharing interests expresses your desire to share his life in all its aspects, to know what he is excited about and what makes him happy.

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Give me my freedom, release my hands:


It's okay to have some private time alone or with friends. Giving you that space of freedom makes him feel that marriage is not a restriction on his freedom.

Giving him a period of calm after a hard day or when he is busy shows your concern for his

psyche and your interest in his feelings.


his friends:



Friends men talk about their lives when they meet just as we women do. A man often listens to what his friends say.

So; Be careful not to be a reason for him to stay away from them, treat them with respect, and do not object to his desire to host them, but treat them well.


They may become your defense when he complains about you, or at least they won't be the cause of problems between you.



Keep your personality shining “You know your worth”:

This is one of the most important keys to a man's heart. He chose you for a woman of radiant personality, and you accepted him and loved him, so he felt that he was very special to have you.

We, women, forget ourselves when we love and tend to melt into the one we love, thinking that love means obliterating our identity. The disappearance of your personality makes you lose part of your attractiveness in the eyes of a man.

Reclaim your old self, your interests, your social life, and your friends, and balance that with your responsibilities

and be careful not to tilt one side over the other.


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I know that you do not forget to offend, for this is the practice of women that men know. But if you show some forgiveness in the simple things that you really overlooked; It raises your value to him.


Tolerance earns you one of the keys to men; Because it is something that not all women are good at.

“Did you see how, with a few things, you possess the keys to the heart of the man you loved?!

I'll give you some more advice…”

His heart is yours... How do you possess the heart of the man you loved:

Sharing feelings is the way to own hearts. Here's some of that post:



Tell him a secret about you:


It is not important what the secret is, but the secret is that you shared your heart and a part of your soul that no one else knows.

But choose that secret well so that it does not offend you or your family in front of it.

Let your affection overcome you and encourage him to show his emotions

While reading a romantic story or your favorite movie, don't hide your tears, and be yourself.

Encourage him to share his emotions with you, even if he sees them as weakness or silliness. Men don't tend to show their emotions;


Because they count it as double.


Do unusual things together:

Break out of the molds of routine, go crazy and encourage him to go crazy. do something you've never done before; It gives you both a shared memory of experiencing something for the first time that you'll never forget.

make him laugh

a silly joke or a spontaneous indiscretion on your part; It creates happy memories between you, and improves your relationship.

Melt his heart with words that capture the heart of a man:


“I love you,” simple and clear, will never fail to melt his heart.

" you're handsome"; We all love to feel beautiful.

“You are safe, I trust you”; You make him feel responsible for you.

"You are my home"; You feel at ease with him.

“You are a good father, my children are fortunate that you are their father”; He senses his importance in your life and the lives of his children.

Keys to a man's character:


Understand, my daughter, that personality is a set of behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that make a person unique. Personality grows with us and lasts until the end of life.

Realize that you can't change him, and neither can a man change you.

And the struggle will still exist at this point, and if you cross that obstacle peacefully, you will have a happy marriage forever.

So let go of the illusions of the futility of change, and start adapting to his personality. I will help you with some of what I have learned from my life.

Know what makes him special.

Focus on that feature and praise it. To feel that you understand him and that he is special in your opinion.

Discuss what bothers you about his behavior

Do it calmly and without harsh criticism. So that this does not destabilize his psychological safety and lose his confidence in you.

Do not criticize his ideas.


“You have a special way”; Prove to him that you understand his personality and follow up on his details.

My grandmother fell silent, and she felt that we were facing a difficult point in our conversation, and it was


Always remember that you two have different ideas, no matter how close you are. So; Stay away from intellectual criticism and use calm discussion when disagreeing.



Reduce expectations:


Don't get excited about raising your ambitions, and don't wait for him to act unlike his stereotypical personality. Our personalities accompany us from cradle to grave, even if they undergo slight changes with maturity and with the ups and downs of life.

The conversation ended, and I left my grandmother's house grateful, who never failed to open my eyes to what I did not see.

If we want a happy marriage; We have to make the time and effort to understand each other and come to terms with our differences.

We must always remember that there is a middle ground between us that brings us together, represented in love and respect, and on it we build our home on friendship and understanding so that it is filled with peace and comfort.

And I will never tire of my grandmother's tales, how about you.



With my best wishes


عن الكاتب

عبدالرحمن مجدي - Abdo magdy انا عبدالرحمن 🥰 بحب الطبخ جدا 💖وبحب اجرب اكلات جديده وغريبه 😋


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the smell of roses