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Normal sleep of the infant


The importance of sleep for a newborn

Normal sleep of the infant

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A newborn baby needs to sleep because sleep greatly affects growth. During the sleep process, the first step of the baby in the formation and sleep process takes place, but what counts is not the amount of sleep, but rather the quality of sleep.


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Normal sleep of the infant

Baby sleep stages


In the first period of his birth, before birth, the child distributes his days between wakefulness and sleep, so the two stages are divided into active sleep in which rapid eye movement, newborn babies, the natural sleep of the infant


They spend about half of the time allotted for sleeping in that stage, and the quiet sleep stage is sleep that does not accompany the movement of the eyes.


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When the baby's sleep is quiet, the brain is less active. This stage includes gradual periods of sleep, first of which is sleepiness, then light sleep, then deep sleep, then very deep sleep.



Sleep cycles:


 The child sleeps in active and quiet sleep for about half of the sleeping time on the right side, and his eyes move quickly under the eyelids, and his fingers and toes may twitch, and he is in the stage of deep sleep on the left side, he is completely still, and it takes between 50 to 60 minutes of active sleep And the quiet.




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The child wakes up several times at night, if he does not go back to sleep with the help of the mother, he wakes up alert and cries, and that is common, so this is overcome by teaching the child to calm himself.


Parents always ask how many hours a child needs to sleep, and of course there is no sufficient answer because the needs of children are different. A newborn child may sleep up to 10 hours and sometimes rise to 20 hours a day, then from two to three months the average Sleeping at night, up to 9 hours, with some naps during the day.


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After 12 months, the child's sleep escalates to 11 hours, with about 2 naps. After the eighth week, the mother notices that the child's sleep has become regular. During that period, the mother can accustom the child to sleep at night and to fall asleep during the day. If he spends the daytime periods awake.

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Therefore, in that period, the child must learn how to sleep, and the mother needs to teach her child healthy sleeping habits, so create a pattern for breastfeeding. Create organized habits before bedtime, such as massage, bathing, listening to music, quiet time, as it may help the child that it is time to sleep.



You have to teach your child to fall asleep on his own. Experts say that rocking the child in the cradle period makes him not develop self-calming, so if he wakes up, he has taken enough sleep, so do not pressure him to sleep again. Make sure that the child has a rest during the day. The child remains awake in The state of wanting to sleep stresses the child and makes his sleep less regular. Be aware of any sudden change in sleep pattern, for example in cases of teething, colds. You need to change the sleep pattern because the sick child needs care and extra care.


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Effects of waking the infant from sleep


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Also among the puzzling questions is where the baby sleeps in the first weeks. The baby usually sleeps with his parents, and it is preferable to place him in a basket close to the mother, as it is comfortable and practical, so it should be comfortable, but the mother must choose a comfortable design for a child. Shaking is one of the movements that the mother needs in the cradle stage. to calm the child.




With my best wishes


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