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Being Prepared for Disasters



Being Prepared for Disasters


Emergency preparation:

 is very important and this includes being prepared for disasters. While no one likes to think that something bad will happen, the truth is that sometimes it does and you and your family will be much better off if you are prepared for 

this before it occurs.

So how do you go about being prepared for disasters? Here are some ideas


       Be aware of potential disasters that can occur in your area

       Prepare your home for natural disasters and other problems

       Have an emergency escape plan such as fire exits and other plants

       Practice fire drills and family emergency escape plans

       Plan for where you will go in the event that you need to evacuate your area

If the event of a disaster, does your family know what to do? Do you have a plan for if you get separated? Where will you go? Do your children know who to call if something happens to the adults? These are all scary things to think about happening but important things to prepare for. As is often said, it’s much better to be prepared and never have to do it than to have a disaster occur and not be ready


Have an Emergency and First Aid Kit

Every family should have at least one emergency first aid kit. If you have a large family, a large house or multiple family members, it may also benefit you to have more than one first aid kit.

You may also want to take the time to learn basic first aid and CPR. Classes are held in most local areas and you never know when the situation will arise where you need to know this.

Your first aid kit should include:

       Medical-grade vinyl gloves

       Poison ivy relief cream

       Burn relief cream

       Sunscreen, SPF of 30 or greater

       Antibiotic ointment, Polysporin® or similar

       Sting relief lotion or ointment, calamine or similar

       Box of sterile gauze pads, either 3" x 3" or 4" x 4"

       Abdominal (ABD) or combine sterile pad, 5" x 9"

       Rolled gauze of 2 sizes, 2" x 4 yards and 4" x 4 yards

       Bandages of assorted types: finger, knuckle, plastic, Telfa®, and general adhesive

       Sterile oval eye pad

       Small sharp scissors

       Tweezers with pointed tip

       Thermometers, oral and rectal (for babies)

       Elastic bandage, 3" x 6"

       Instant ice pack

       Roll of adhesive tape, 1" wide, may use plastic type if preferred

       Triangular bandages, 2

       Package of safety pins, assorted sizes

       Absorbent cotton balls, 1 box

       Diarrhea remedy, Pepto-Bismol or Kaopectate or similar

       Popsicle (craft) sticks or finger splints

       Antibacterial soap, liquid or bar

       Medicine dropper

       Water purification tablets

       Small bottle of bleach

       Sharp knife or multipurpose knife/tool

       Bottles of aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen

       Splint materials: thin boards 2-3' long

       Cough syrup and throat lozenges

       Large plastic trash bag and several smaller, zip-closure bags


may interest you Home Water Treatment and  Boiling Water Treatment

Your emergency kit should include:


       Extra batteries


       Emergency phone numbers

       Back up cellular phone if possible

       Blankets, sheets

       Fire extinguisher

       Supply of prescription medicines

Have Insurance whenever Possible

Do you have the proper insurance? While it’s difficult for some people to pay for expensive insurance to possibly never have to use it, you should also remember the expenses that could be involved if you are not properly insured.

being prepared for disasters 

There are many different types of insurance such as:


       Life and death


       Home or renter’s


       And more


Insurance will help protect your family financially should a disaster of some type occur. But it’s not enough just to have insurance. You also need to be sure your coverage is thorough, your premiums are paid on time and your policy remains up to date and that beneficiaries and other important members of the family know about your insurance policies. You should also carry copies of the insurance policies in a safe place in case something happens to the originals, such as a house fire.

Being prepared for disasters is one of the most important things you can ever do for yourself and your family. Will you be prepared if something unexpected happens to you?


being prepared for disasters



With my best wishes


عن الكاتب

عبدالرحمن مجدي - Abdo magdy انا عبدالرحمن 🥰 بحب الطبخ جدا 💖وبحب اجرب اكلات جديده وغريبه 😋


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