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Home Water Treatment


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Home Water Treatment


You will never find water that is 100 percent pure. Always, it contains contaminants, whether from natural causes or from man-made sources. While many of these contaminants are harmless, there are some impurities that can adversely affect your health. That is why, home water treatment is important.

home water treatment

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Home water treatment is the process by which contaminants found in your home’s tap water system are removed. There are several methods of treating water, ranging from the simple (such as a filtration) to complex (adding of chemicals and other substances to “purify” water).


However, before you delve deeper into the various methods involved in home water treatment, consider the following steps first in making sure that the water you use at home is safe for use and consumption.

home water treatment

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Identifying Water Problems


Before you can take serious steps in lessening contaminants in your home water, you first need to assess the situation in order to find out if there is any problem.


How do you identify a problem in your water? Well, if your water comes from a municipal or public water system, then there should not be any problem, and hence you do not need to employ home water treatment methods. There are federal and state regulations that regularly test water systems for contaminants, including microbial pathogens, toxic chemicals, and radioactive elements, to ensure that the water you use are clean and safe.

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However, there might be other problems that are undesirable, although nevertheless not hazardous to your health. These problems include hardness, staining, bad tastes/smell/color, corrosivity, and foaming.

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Now, the story is different when your water comes from a private well, in which case you are responsible for testing and treating your water.

water treatment


Home Water Treatment Methods


A home water treatment system focuses on removing the harmful contaminants in tap water so that it is clean and safe for drinking. Examples of contaminants that a home water treatment system can remove are high levels of nitrates, coliform, pesticides, lead, and arsenic.

home water treatment


Here are a few home water treatment methods that are used to “purify” your water:


·       Activated carbon filtration

·       Distillation

·       Ultra-violet treatment

·       Chlorination disinfection

·       Water softener or cation exchange

·       Neutralizing filtration

·       Oxidation filtration

·       Mechanical or sedimentation filtration

·       Reverse osmosis or membrane filtration

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Point of Entry and Point of Use Home Water Treatment Systems


Home water treatment systems sold commercially are categorized into two: point of entry or point of use treatment systems. The difference between the two is that while point of entry treatment systems treat all of the water that are being used in the home, point of use treatment systems only treat parts of the water being distributed in the home.


home water treatment


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