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Chitosan Warning: Reasons to be Skeptical



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Chitosan Warning: Reasons to be Skeptical



 is now highly marketed as a powerful weight loss supplement.  Well, on its most basic, chitosan is a substance found in the shells of crustaceans, like crabs, lobsters and shrimps.   It is extracted and taken in a form of supplement with meals believing that it encourages weight loss by binding to fat molecules in the digestive tract, preventing the body from absorbing the fat, in the end.

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 whether chitosan is safe and effective as a diet aid still remains controversial.   Several studies have reported that chitosan really does work for weight loss, while others have reported that it doesn’t.  No matter what the reports have revealed or suggested, it is best to look at the chitosan warnings.  After all, there is nothing wrong for being skeptical, right?


I have here some chitosan warnings you may encounter when you consider chitosan.  These chitosan warnings are really worth noting:


       Although chitosan is quite safe, there is a possibility in theory at least that it could block the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins, such as Vitamins A, D, E and K.  Also, chitosan may block the absorption of the essential fatty acids, like omega 3 and 6.  Therefore, it necessary to be sure that you take a vitamin supplements at least an hour or so before taking the chitosan.


       Another notable chitosan warning is that never take chitosan if you have an allergy to shellfish.  Just note that chitosan is derived from shellfish.


       Chitosan doesn’t get absorbed into the bloodstream.  This simply means that it is largely free of the side effects that so many people experience with a number of prescription and nonprescription weight loss supplements and medication.


       Chitosan is not best for pregnant women, so avoid taking it when you’re pregnant.  Also, when you are nursing or taking any medication, consult your health care professional first before taking any product that contain chitosan.


       Take chitosan with large amounts of fluid.  The reason for this chitosan warning is the fact that without drinking enough liquid, the product may cause constipation.  And, if intestinal discomfort or constipation occurs, discontinue the use.


       Because no extensive safety studies have been done to back up the claimed benefits of chitosan, every people must be careful and must seek for guidance from a health care professional before taking any chitosan product.


Aside from those above mentioned chitosan warnings, there are other factors that must be considered before buying chitosan-based products.  First of those is the fact that the composition of chitin may vary depending on the seawater, the animal from which it is taken, and the time of year.  Note that there is no pure form that can be counted on. 


Another chitosan warning:

 is that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) won an $8.3 million judgment against a company violating federal consumer protection laws with false claims concerning chitin.  The FTC lawsuit is even the first of the several additional suits for false claims regarding chitosan.


Having said all these:

 it is then best to educate yourself about the substance and do your homework if possible.  Consult with an expert and just be careful.



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With my best wishes


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عبدالرحمن مجدي - Abdo magdy انا عبدالرحمن 🥰 بحب الطبخ جدا 💖وبحب اجرب اكلات جديده وغريبه 😋


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