Infant hand movements
and their meanings
Hand movement of anautistic child
Frequent movement of the
hand and leg of the infant
Hand movements such as
bringing the hand to the
(with or without thumb
sucking), pulling the hand,
grasping the finger of the
person around them or
at something indicate that
the infant is liking and
integrating with the environment in which they are
Convulsive movements,
saluting with the hand,
keeping fingers apart
indicate that the infant is
The infant's hand is closed
Normal baby movements
Moving hands and feet a
Hand grip:
The infant tightens his fist
because of a reflex he has
the fist reflex.
This reflex usually
disappears by five to six
months of age.
Babies clenching their
hands is an instinctive
reflex that
they have had since they
were in their mother's
This movement is
considered one of the
natural innate
hand movements of the
infant that do not cause
Hand movement in infants
during sleep
Baby movements in the
third month
The meanings of this
movement can be:
The child is hungry
The child suffers from
stress due to hunger or any
Feed your child in this case
in order to relieve hunger
calm him down as well. In
the event that you notice
that your infant's grip on
his hand is accompanied by
stiffness in the limbs or
torso, or if you also notice
that this movement
continues until after your
child reaches the age of 6
months, you must inform
the pediatrician of this.
Finger sucking:
Baby sleeping on his
Treating infant colic
infant colic;
Finger sucking is a
movement that reminds
the child of the breastfeedin
g process from his mother
or the artificial feeding
process, because the
sucking reflex is what
allows the child to reach
the breast or the bottle of
artificial milk. If you notice
that your baby is sucking
his fingers, this may be a
sign that he is hungry.
Feed your baby right after
he sucks his fingers. If he
continues sucking his
fingers even after he gets
his food, this technique
could be a technique for
him to calm himself.
Abnormal infant hand
Moving hands and feet a
A happy child is one who
constantly moves his hands
and feet. But if the child
seems to be disturbed while
moving his hands and feet.
It means you need to
change the diaper or he has
a bloated stomach.
My infant drinks formula
milk a lot
The importance of
understanding infant hand
Children do not have much
understanding of the
environment around them
and depend entirely on
their mothers or fathers.
A child cannot speak well
until after the age of 12
months, so there is no
better way to understand
what infants want than
body language and moveme
nts. Because our young
children have a lot to tell us
through body language,
and parents must
understand the
information that the infant
wants to communicate
through body language.
At first, the mother and
father may have difficulty
interpreting the infant's
But with time and with
a little observation, the
baby's movements will
become easier to interpret.
Baby sleeping on the
Baby sleeping on the side
Baby development in the
third month
The importance of
understanding the infant's
hand movements lies in:
Your healthy response to
your infant makes him feel
understood by the
environment around him
The affirmative response
to what the child is doing
and realizing what he
wants makes him feel
confident, and this
strengthens the
relationship between the
parents and their infant
The correct response to the
infant's movements helps
him to repeat them when
he encounters the same
Baby development in the
second month
Baby development in the
first month
The infant's movements
help him develop his skills
after a while, and it is
necessary to recognize
them and encourage the
child to express himself
with gestures and body
Meaning of baby movements
Move the arms
Holding the ears
Move the head and shake
it back and forth
Rubbing the eyes
Move the arms
Baby sleeping
Breastfeeding a newborn
The way the infant sleeps
in the first month
Baby growth in the second
Some babies move their
arms when they hear a
loud sound or when their
sleep is disturbed by a brigh
t light. This involuntary
movement is called the
Moro reflex. This
movement disappears on
its own after the infant
gets older, but its repetition
can disturb the child,
disrupt his sleep, and cause
him to be tired.
Grasping by the ears:
This movement is usually
in response to the eruption
of the infant's teeth. But
this movement can be a
reaction caused by the
child's infection with
a fever or cold, or because
of an ear infection.
Check for other signs that
the infant may be ill, such
as difficulty sleeping.
Consult your pediatrician
if you notice any side
effects your child may be
experiencing. But if this
sign is caused by the eruption of teeth in your infant,
So give him dental toys to
make him feel comfortable.
Shaking the head back and
forth: This movement is
not performed by all
children, and is usually
observed before a nap or
at bedtime, and this
movement is for the child
to calm himself down.
Newborn baby sleeping
This movement disappears
at the age of three years
old. However, make sure
that your child is safe while
making such a move.
In the event that this
movement occurs before
bedtime, there is no need to
worry, but if it occurs at
other times, or if this
movement continues after
the child reaches the age
of three, then a pediatrician should be consulted.
The hiccups of the infant
begin in the first year of
life, and it usually
disappears after 5 to 10
minutes, and it is often
after eating a meal or after
feeding. In the event that
the child suffers from
hiccups after feeding, try
to change the feeding
position or the food
provided to him, burp your
infant as well. Consult
your pediatrician if the
hiccups persist.
Rubbing the eyes:
It is one of the signs that
indicate that the child is
Abnormal infant hand
Lack of hand movement
Moving the hand, fingers,
or other parts of the body
in a strange, repetitive
The child does not repeat
what you do or does not
imitate words, sounds or
Lack of hand movement:
Movement is one of the
things that the infant does
at a very early age, before
he begins to learn to speak. Therefore, lack of movement can be a suspicious sign, and you should consult a pediatrician if you notice that your child has little movement.
For example, lack of
movement can be an
indicator of a child's
autism, because an autistic
child has little sign with
his hands and has little
movement. One of the
important things that must
be monitored is that your
infant follows you with his
eyes and looks, as his lack
of follow-up to you may be
an indication of his autism.
The number of infants
breastfed in the first month
Treatment of diarrhea in
newborn infants
How to wake a newborn
Moving the hand, fingers,
or other parts of the body
in a strange and repetitive
pattern: This is one of the
indications that the child
has autism.
Signs of fullness of the
Other strange signs include
stiffness of the arms and
legs, twisting of the wrists,
and strange movements by the child.
With my best wishes