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The definition of Algorithm(1) How can you use it for your social media strategy?



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The definition of Algorithm(1)

 How can you use it for your social media strategy?

Remember when you searched for NFTs on Google and suddenly ads from these cryptocurrencies started showing in your feed? Or that time when you talked with your couple about buying a new mattress, and suddenly, like a coincidence from destiny, different styles of bed started showing on Amazon?

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What is happening here?

Is it that the government implanted nanochips on our smartphones to spy on us and know every single move we make from day to night? Are those evil cookies that we accept every time we enter a blog? Do we have privacy? WHAT IS THIS?!?

Don't panic,  this is nothing but a technology called Algorithms that was invented to track and evaluate what we usually consume on social media platforms or search engines.

If you are into social media marketing, you may have heard this term a lot of times; it is almost everywhere on search engines and social media, but what is the meaning of algorithm? And, an even better question is how you can use it to crush it in your social media strategy.

Let's find out how we can get into the matrix of social media by figuring out how this technology works, and with that, using it to our business advantage.

But first, we must answer.

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What is the meaning of "Algorithm"?

An algorithm is a set of instructions programmed to solve a mathematical problem or perform a function. Most computers and programs are full of these patterns to achieve all the activities we make with our computers or laptops.

When you look at programmers writing lines and lines of code, they are programming these computers to perform each task in a specific order or with a situational modality, where programs respond depending on the user's decisions.

Nevertheless, if we go back to the oldest times, algorithms have been used way before our existence. For example, Greeks invented the   Euclidean algorithm the greatest common divisor between two numbers, and mathematicians from Babylonia and Egypt used division algorithms 2.500 BC, and even Indian mathematics has been predominantly algorithmic.

Cool, so now that we know the core idea of an algorithm, as a digital marketing agency, we must answer...

What is a social media algorithm?

Different from mathematical or programmatic algorithms, in social media, these programs are adapted to make users' experiences more fittable to their needs and tastes. These algorithms sort posts in your feed based on the likelihood you are going to interact with them.

So why do NFTs start showing in your feed after you search for them on Google? Easy because the algorithm perceived that you liked this type of content and sent it to you to make your navigating experience suited to your preferences.

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But your search history is not the only thing in which algorithms take the info about yourself, close friends and accounts you interact more with will take a huge part in this analysis, and so they are more likely to be in your first spots on your feed. 

Chances are you’ve been recommended videos to watch on YouTube, right? This is again based on your behavior, digging into what you’ve watched in the past and what users like yourself are watching. Elements such as categories, #tags, and keywords also factor into recommended content on any given network.

But what is the goal of these social media algorithms?

Since the arrival of social media, creating and uploading content of all kinds has become much more accessible than when radio and Tv were the only communication platforms.

With so much content from such different niches, it becomes more difficult to reach your audience if no mechanism shows specifically what you want to see.

For this reason, the algorithm is excellent at selecting what you like, nothing more, and getting what you don't out of the way.

However, the algorithm is not without controversy. Times were those in which Instagram photos were displayed in chronological order, and overnight, the algorithm shocked us to start displaying photos according to our relevance.

This has made ads one of the most effective ways to reach our consumers, and in turn, the largest source of income for the creators of these social networks. Coincidence? No, we don't think so!

But algorithms are no obstacle for a digital marketing agency, in fact, in Codedesign we have our algorithm, but before showing our best weapons, we'd like to teach you something.

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How to use algorithms to your advantage?

It's time! We will decipher the great secrets behind each algorithm for the most popular social networks.  So let's get inside the matrix of social networks and figure out how you can work with the algorithm of each platform and make your posts seen by all your followers.

Let's start!


Facebook's algorithm has a "personalized ranking" that determines what people see and what order content shows on feeds. Meta has a group of AI professionals working on the algorithm's capabilities to deliver relevant and popular content to their audiences. According to Facebook, they use their algorithm to:

"arrange all of the content you could see on [the feed, Search, Marketplace, Groups, and Watch] to show you the things we think you may be most personally interested in at the top of each surface."

Depending on their importance, this algorithm has ranking signals to add, remove or adjust any post or reel. By 2023, these are some of the recognized ranking signals:

·         Facebook connections are the people and users you interact with most.

·         Content type: Depending on what kind of content you like the most, it is what you'll get. If you watch more videos, you will get more of them; if you like photos more, that's what it will show you.

·         Engagement level: If your posts get more likes and engagement, Facebook's algorithm will boost your digital presence - even more if your engagement is from people you already have interactions with.

·         Content quality: The social media platform is willing to give more protagonism to those posts that they describe as "meaningful," "informative," "accurate," and "authentic."

You can also "train" your algorithm to indicate what you like. To do this, you can:

·         Choose favorites: You can select either pages or people you like more, so the platform will show you more of their content. Paradoxically, you can do the opposite and indicate to the algorithm those accounts you want to unfollow or snooze.

·         In-feed options: With this option, you can click on any post to either hide, snooze the user or remove these from favorites. This process helps the algorithm better understand what content you want to see more and less.

Your business wealth must be updated with Facebook's community standards, as this can block your content. By today's standards, the platform is reducing distribution of "content that people find objectionable," like "misinformation, a sensationalized health claim, or clickbait," so you have to take more effort into creating less spammy or salesy content and more informational or valuable ones.

As for specific words, you should avoid when working with Facebook, there are:

·         Threatening or violent language: Harassing language,  sexist, homophobic, racist, ableist.

·         Terms related to harmful stereotypes

·         Slurs


For the latest updates, Facebook has other factors to determine the people, brands and groups you can see in your feed. The program uses a four-step process to define it:

·         Inventory:

·          This is all the content from people, pages and groups you follow, adding relevant ads and content based on your activity.

·         Signals: 

·         These are the ranking signals we mentioned above.

·         Predictions:

·          With ranking signals data, the algorithm can make custom predictions about the content you enjoy most.

·         Relevance:

·          Depending on each post's relevance and how many interactions it has, they get the highest score and show up closer to your feed.


With my best wishes


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عبدالرحمن مجدي - Abdo magdy انا عبدالرحمن 🥰 بحب الطبخ جدا 💖وبحب اجرب اكلات جديده وغريبه 😋


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