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Google translated


Google boosts translation features in Google Translate

Artificial intelligence technologies




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 Google translated


Google this week announced new features and enhancements to its Google Translate service based on AI technologies AI، The U.S. giant said it has relied on AI technologies for years since launching Google Translate to improve the service، The new features give users a better understanding of the context of what they want to translate, whether through the web or smartphones

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Google translated

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Google's mercy


What are the new features of Google Translate


A more accurate translation that takes into account the context


One of the new highlights Google has announced for users of its Google Translate translation service is providing more accurate translations, depending on AI technologies، Google Translate can now identify the meaning that the user means or what he wants to translate, or take into account the context, which means avoiding many errors when translating sentences or words


Google set an example of translating a shark bass order for dinner or playing bass during a concert, with Google Translate potentially marking context when translating Bass in both sentences، This allows users to use more appropriate words, expressions or sentences when translating, and the new feature, when officially available in the coming weeks, supports a range of languages including English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish


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New design for Google Translate app


Google said the new design for the Google Translate app it recently made available for Android phones will soon be available to iPhone users such as the iPhone 14 Pro and other iOS devices, a design that gives more room for writing texts for translation، In addition to moving buttons down to facilitate access, including access to voice translation, conversation translation, photography translation, camera, etc




The new Google Translate design also facilitates the use and navigation of options through a new set of gestures, which include reducing the steps required to choose languages، By clicking at length on the language used to show a menu that can be navigated by dragging up and down to choose another language، As well as being able to drag down on the app's home screen for quick access to the latest or latest translations, Google said the new design of its Google Translate app offers more readability of translation results، Depending on the variable size line



Google Translate for more languages without internet connection


New features announced by Google for Google Translate users also include support for an additional 33 languages to translate directly on the phone, without the need for an internet connection or with a poor internet connection، They are languages that include Basque, Corsican, Hawaiian, Hmong, Kurdish, Latin, Luxembourgian, Sondani, Yiddish, Zulu and others



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Google's mercy

Enhance translation of texts within images


While Google provides in-image text translation and accurate recognition through the Google Lens lens, the company said it has enhanced the feature for Google Translate users based on advanced machine learning technologies ML، This allows greater ability to recognize texts within images and integrate translation within them, so that the texts within the images appear to be written in the language that the user wants to translate،  It is a feature that is soon available to users of Android phones that carry RAM RAM with a capacity of 6GB or more.


Google confirmed that it will soon provide the translation of images or texts within the images through the web, so that gives users greater options to translate the content included in the images regardless of how they search for it.


Google's mercy


The Google Translate app is now available to download for free to Android users through the Google Play store, and the app is available to iPhone and iPad users through the Apple App Store app store.


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Google Translate Scanner 


With my wishes for happiness






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