the smell of roses the smell of roses

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جاري التحميل ...

How do I know the color of my skin for makeup:


How do I know the color of
 my skin for makeup:
In order to get a perfect, 
flawless makeup, it is 
to know the right makeup 
color for the skin tone, and 
below we will provide you 
with tips to help you choose
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Choosing a foundation:
The choice of foundation
 depends on three factors:
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skin type:
Each type of skin has its 
own foundation, as follows:

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Buying a completely oil-
free foundation for peopl
oily skin
Choose a foundation with
 a very small percentage of
for people with combination
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Those with dry skin should use a foundation with a high 
percentage of oils, because
 it needs to be moisturized 
constantly to prevent 
Choose a foundation with 
a balanced percentage of 
for people with normal skin.

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أفضل ماسكرا سيفورا
skin colour:
White-skinned and wheat-
skinned people prefer to
 use a
 foundation cream that is 
very close to skin color, 
 dark-skinned people prefer
 to use a dark yellow
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Undertone is that color that
 is found directly under the 
skin, and among those
 types of skin are the

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 Pink color matched with 
a pink foundation
Skin degrees in numbers:

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The orange color is 
matched by a yellow 
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 It is a combination of warm and cool skin and is suitable
 for a pink and cool 
Eye shadow selection:
In order to get attractive 
eyes, you must be careful to
 choose colors that are 
suitable for both skin and
 eye color,
 as follows:
Skin tone:
Skin tone determines the 
appropriate eye shadow
 color as 
Choose pink and light blue 
eye shadow colors for
skinned people
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Wheat skin is preferable to
 use somewhat dark colors 
as: brown - dark blue - burg
Using bright eyeshadow 
helps highlight the eyes, 
such as 
using silver or gold, 
especially for those with 
very dark 
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Burgundy skin colour

eye color:




The color of the eyes helps to choose an eye 

shadow makeup that shows its beauty and attractiveness 

as follows




People with black eyes can use any color of eye shadow.


Use dark colors for people with brown eyes, especially 

green and brown colors in all shades


Those with hazel eyes prefer to use cheerful colors such as light blue and pink


Use purple and brown colors for blue eyes


Choosing a lipstick:


Lipstick is an indispensable cosmetic in order to obtain a perfect makeup look, so you must choose a color suitable for the skin tone as follows:


Choose a bold red lipstick for white people.


As for dark skin, it is preferable to use a dark red lipstick color, such as pink and dark red.

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Choose an eyeliner:
Eyeliner is one of the important ways that highlight the 
beauty of the eyes, so it is necessary to choose a color 
suitable for the color of the skin as follows:
White skin is suitable for dark black eyeliner.
As for black and wheat skin, it is preferable to use brown 
and blue colors
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Mascara selection:
The look is not complete 
without applying mascara, 
so you
 must choose the right
 mascara for the color of 
the skin as 
Choose black or blue 
mascara for black and 
wheat skin.
As for those with white 
skin, they can rely on more
 colors, such as: brown or 
light blue.
Thus, we have come to the 
end of our article after we 
 acquainted with the answe
r to the question of how do
 know the color of my skin,
 by presenting more than 
 method for determining 
the true skin color easily.
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With my best wishes


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the smell of roses