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how to do peeling of fruit acids at home


how to do peeling of fruit acids at home

 biorepeel peeling

Learn in this article how to do peeling of fruit acids at home, with knowledge of its benefits and disadvantages.


What is the method of peeling fruit acids at home?
Fruit acid scrubs can be obtained from the store, or you can
 make them at home.

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How to use a fruit acid scrub

 biorepeel peeling 
Learn how to peel fruit acids at home:

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the components:
orange peel
Lemon peel.
Orange juice.
Lemon juice.
Coconut Oil.
1. Dry the orange and lemon peels in the sun until they are 
completely dry, it takes 2-3 days.
2. Make a powder out of these peels in a blender, and you
can store this powder for a long time.
3. Mix 3 tablespoons of lemon and orange peel powder 
with 3 tablespoons of sugar.

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seanergy peeling 
4. Add orange and lemon juice to them and mix.
5. Then add coconut oil.
6. Now your fruit acid scrub is ready to use.
Fruit acid face scrub



acid peeling


Steps to exfoliate the body with fruit acids at home:
You should use a moisturizer to moisturize the area to be 
peeled for 10 days before peeling.
The skin is cleaned with a gentle cleanser suitable for its
The fruit acid gel is applied to the skin for 3-7 minutes.
While peeling it is usual to feel a slight tingling or burning
 sensation on the skin.
The scrub is removed, then the face is rinsed with 
lukewarm water and dried.
The skin is moisturized with a gentle moisturizer.
Fruit acid peels are used once every 4-8 weeks.
Fruit acid peeling

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Fruit acid peeling is a cosmetic medical treatment to
 improve the external appearance of your skin. Fruit acids
 are generally obtained from crop products such as grapes, 
apples, lemons, oranges and sugarcane, and result in a 
superficial and smooth exfoliation of the skin.


fruits peelings


Fruit acid peels are the mildest form of medical peels and are also suitable for sensitive skin.
Benefits of peeling fruit acids
Fruit acid peels have several benefits, get to know them:
Removing layers of dead and damaged skin.
Glycolic acids can penetrate the remaining skin, providing
 a thorough cleansing action.
Preventing and fighting acne.
Fruit acid exfoliants improve skin tone and texture.
loreal peeling
 jet peel 
Rejuvenating the vitality and freshness of the skin.
Enhancing skin youth and delaying the appearance of
 wrinkles and fine lines.
Smoothing and improving skin texture.
Reducing the appearance of cellulite in the skin.
Lighten skin tone.
Getting rid of dark spots, scars and skin blemishes.
The original fruit acid scrub


the ordinary peeling 



Disadvantages of fruit acid peeling:
Orange or lemon acid peels usually have no side effects, 
but if you are allergic to citrus fruits, you can have an 
allergic reaction, but allergic reactions 
to citrus fruits are also very rare.
peeling pigment
Frequent use of lemon or its derivatives can sometimes
 cause skin to become rough or dry. This is because lemon
 peels contain higher concentrations of nutrients and
 chemical compounds that may not be suitable for your 
skin, so always do a patch test before using it on your skin.
cosmo peel dermaceutic

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With my best wishes


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