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Top 13 Foods to Avoid & Eat during Anaemia





Top 13 Foods to Avoid & Eat during Anaemia


Anaemia :

is a condition that occurs when the body doesn't have enough healthy red blood cells. There are various causes of anaemia, but the main ones are blood loss, iron deficiency and the body's inability to produce red blood cells. There are different types of anaemia, and with every kind of anaemia comes different types of treatment options that you can go for. Undoubtedly, natural remedies are the best kind of treatment because it not only helps in fighting against anaemia but also improves overall health.

So, the first thing you need to do if you want to fight against anaemia is to change your diet plan and eat healthy food. There are various types of food that can help in increasing iron in the body and improve health. In the section below, we have addressed all these foods. Let’s take a look at them.

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Foods to eat if suffering from Anaemia

1. Leafy greens

Leafy green vegetables are the best choice of food to treat anaemia as they are a great source of iron, Vitamin C and other nutrients. You can consume spinach, kale, dandelion greens, collard greens and other leafy vegetables. Some leafy vegetables are high in iron, and some are high in oxalates, and the two together can prevent iron absorption, which is why you shouldn't solely depend on them.

2. Non-Veg

Meat is rich in iron and contains a lot of other nutrients that are good for your health. It has a lower amount of iron which is why you can go for lamb, red meat or venison. If you combine meat with leafy green vegetables and vitamin C fruits, then it can increase the iron intake in the body. 

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3. Seafood

Seafood is the best at treating anaemia as it provides heme iron in the body. Some good sources of iron that you can include in your diet include Oysters, scallops, crabs, and shrimp. Though most fish contain iron in them, the ones with the best iron levels are mahi mahi, pompano, fresh perch, canned or fresh salmon, and fresh tuna.

4. Beans

Beans are the best foods to eat to treat anaemia because they are a great source of iron and are also versatile. Some best options for beans are pinto beans, black beans, peas, chickpeas, soybeans, black-eyed peas and kidney beans. You can explore ayurvedic herbs to deal with anaemia.

5. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are the main source of iron and are easy to consume anytime. You can sprinkle nuts and seeds on the salads or yogurt or consume them directly. Raw and toasted nuts are both healthy and contain similar amounts of iron. There are some nuts that are a great source of iron like: 

·         Hemp seeds

·         Pine nuts 

·         Sunflower seeds

·         Cashers 

·         Pistachios 

6. Eggs

Eggs are known to be rich in protein, but they also contain high levels of iron in them. You can pair eggs with whole-grain toast to make it healthy, and also take quinoa on the side in order to have a great healthy start to your day. 

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7. Grains

There are certain grains that contain the much-needed iron that you need. They are all rich in iron and help in raising the hemoglobin in the blood. You can eat whole wheat, teff, quinoa, oats and Kamut grains. 

Just consuming food cannot cure anaemia, but it can help in providing the necessary nutrients that the body needs. It is essential to plan a diet for anaemia-related food products, so there is proper nutrition in the kind of food you consume. Iron is essential to treat anaemia which is why there are some food products that you should completely avoid: 

Foods to avoid if suffering from Anaemia

1. Say no to gluten

Gluten-rich foods can worsen anaemia. Foods that contain high gluten can damage the intestinal wall and prevent the needed iron absorption in the body, which will further stop the production of healthy red blood cells. Gluten is a kind of thing that should be avoided in general, whether you are allergic or not. 

2. Avoid calcium-containing foods

When you consume food products that contain iron and mix it with calcium-containing food products, it can affect the absorption of iron in the body. Dairy food products like milk, cheese and yogurt should be avoided at all costs because they can stop the intake of iron properly.

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3. Oxalic acid food

Food products that contain oxalic acid can interfere with the absorption of iron in the body. People who have anaemia are advised not to eat any food products which contain oxalic acid in them, like chocolates, peanuts, and parsley.

4. Foods that contain tannins

Food products like corn, grapes, and sorghum are the worst foods for anaemia because of iron absorption. These substances bind the iron molecules and interfere with the iron absorption in the body, which can cause issues.

5. Tea and coffee

It is also advised not to drink tea or coffee if you want to treat anaemia because they might give you insomnia and also do not have any nutrients which can help. There are tannins and polyphenolic elements in tea and coffee which can interfere with health and are advised to be avoided by anemic patients.

6. Say no to alcohol

Alcohol is the worst thing to consume during anaemia because it can worsen health which is why it is recommended to avoid alcohol altogether. Drinking too much alcohol can also result in anaemia which can impact the production of red blood cells in the body.

The situation can cause dysfunctionality in the cells and can also affect the nutrients that are absorbed from the food. Consumption of alcohol can also interfere with the formation of hemoglobin in the blood. 

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With the list of foods to consume and foods to avoid, it is essential to plan a diet for anaemia accordingly. There should be proper consumption of food products that are rich in iron because iron is the main element needed in the body. Moreover, if there is a lack of iron, minerals or vitamins, then it can either worsen anaemia or increase the risk of anaemia which is you must eat healthily and plan your diet accordingly. You can explore the the balance of anaemia & ayurveda.



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With my best wishes


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عبدالرحمن مجدي - Abdo magdy انا عبدالرحمن 🥰 بحب الطبخ جدا 💖وبحب اجرب اكلات جديده وغريبه 😋


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