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The definition of Algorithm(4) LinkedIn

The definition of Algorithm(4)


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LinkedIn's algorithm goal is to bury any spammy content and highlight relevant and high-quality content.

In essence, the B2B social media platform punishes these types of content:

·         Spammy: 

·         Poorly written (bad grammar), full of outbound links and any "bot-y" content. Also, avoid basic hashtags such as #follow or #like.

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·         Low-quality:

·         While this is not spam, the platform perceives this type of content as irrelevant.

If you want to write great LinkedIn posts that will make your account more desirable for LinkedIn's algorithm, follow these tips:

·         Make it easy to read: 

·         Offer valuable information, but don't make massive walls of text, as readers can get tired of it. In this case, redirect users to your blog if you want to offer more information.

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·          Use around three hashtags:

·          try to mix your hashtags with highly popular and the ones belonging to your niche so that you can expand your reach.

·         Don't include outbound links: 

·         as with any algorithm, the program wants users to stay on the platform, and if you put outbound links in your caption, the algorithm won't be happy with it. Nevertheless, experts say that if you put the link in the comments, it doesn't seem to affect your post's reach.

Now let's see how you can build a better relationship with LinkedIn's algorithm.

Choose the right time to post

It sounds repetitive, we know, but this is 101 in social media management, you should always post when your users are most active. 

According to an article by The Balance Small Business, 50% of users connect more after hours, so if you post at 2 am or during work hours, it will most likely take a long time to receive even one like. 

The article gives us more information and shows us that the best times for this platform are usually:

·         Most clicks and shares: Tuesdays, 11 AM-12 PM.

·         The worst time for LinkedIn: Sleeping hours (10 PM-6 AM) 

·         Best Times to post 7-8 AM; 5-6 PM.

·         The peak time of use during an average day: noon; 5-6 PM.

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Create the type of content Linkedin likes

As we said before, Linkedin is like Facebook's uncle, a businessman who is there only for B2B, no memes or dancing reels.

Linkedin's algorithm craves for two types of content:

·         Job offers

·         Information that provides value to your business or other's

So, on this platform, you want to show your biggest accomplishments and how good of a business you are. When you reach many users in your profile, Linkedin's algorithm will shake your hand like the wolf of wall street.

Use LinkedIn's publishing tool

If you don't have a tool to schedule your articles, don't worry, the same social media offers it to you and gives greater momentum to the publications you make.

The Editor-in-Chief at LinkedIn says Publisher posts show up in the feed for your connections and followers based on time.


TikTok's algorithm may be the friendliest of them all, and perhaps that's why it's so popular over its predecessors. But then, what is this algorithm about?

Everything revolves around the for you page, which is like the feed of this social network. Depending on the tastes and interests that you select when entering this social network, it sends you endless videos that are according to your tastes, and as you interact and follow more accounts, it refines it more, offering you only the things that you like the most. 

This is quite similar to the others, even the factors to show you or not are similar in terms of the amount of reach or likes, but there is something that makes it the friendliest of all.


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You'll ask us, what is it? 

Well, unlike the others, TikTok's algorithm does not give preference to the accounts with the most followers, instead, it does a great mix of popular accounts with others that may be just starting. Therefore, at one point in the feed, you can see a 15k video just below one of only 3, giving more opportunity to all kinds of creators. But this is not the only thing that makes it friendly to its users since the posts do not expire due to time.

When you post a photo on Instagram, it will peak in popularity and then be forgotten, where only your stalkers can give it a rather indiscreet like. Meanwhile, it does not matter if your video is 3 months old. The algorithm will be able to show it later, making it not lose relevance.

TikTok algorithm ranking signals.

·         User interactions:

·          Similar to most of the platforms, the algorithm will base its recommendations based on your interactions with content on the app. This evaluation goes from videos you liked and didn't, accounts you follow and interests you've expressed by interacting with organic content ads.

·         Video information: 

·         This information is based on the type of content you seek out through discovery or search. This factor includes captions, sounds, hashtags, effects and trending topics.

·         Device and account settings:

·          your personal information from language preference, country, type of mobile device and categories of interests that you choose as a new user.

What is not included in the TikTok algorithm?

The algorithm will NOT recommend the following types of content:

·         Duplicated content

·         The content you've already seen

·         Content the algorithm flags as spam (including videos "seeking to increase traffic artificially")

·         Potentially upsetting content (for example, "graphic medical procedures" or "legal consumption of regulated goods")

So, let's see how we go about handling this algorithm.

Find your subculture

On TikTok, there is a niche for everyone, from those of us who like digital marketing to those who love to collect action figures. The idea is to identify which branch your brand specializes in and start sharing about it.

Unlike the networks explained above, where users tend to interact more with the accounts they follow, people on TikTok spend more time on the for you page, where they have endless content about the things they usually enjoy. Your idea is to be able to infiltrate those for your pages so that you become one of those followed.

Do not seek to stand out in saturated markets, instead, look for those subcultures in which your content and information can be appreciated and start researching what hashtags are related to these.

Don't sell. Instead, share and have fun

Although selling is our ultimate goal, there are different ways to achieve this goal, and in a social network of funny videos and dances, a typical advertisement will not work.

TikTok users are interested in learning or having new information in the shortest possible time, without the need to read a book or watch a long YouTube video. Therefore, once you have defined your subculture, you must now share all your knowledge in short doses of information that position you as an authority within the platform.

Once the algorithm notices that your videos are successful, it will start to show you more in FYP, and as you grow in the audience it is obvious that you will grow in leads and new clients.

Go Pro on TikTok

The main benefit of the pro account on TikTok is that it will give you all the information about your metrics and primetime, which will allow you to evaluate which types of videos are working best for you. To do this:

1.  From your profile page, tap the three dots icon at the top right of the screen.

2.  Tap Manage account.

3.  Select Switch to Business Account and choose the best category for your business.

Use trend sounds and create yours.

Similar to what we said with Instagram reels, you should look for trends on TikTok and see how you can mix them into your type of content. Search among the most viral sounds and find out how you can associate them with the style of your brand, this will give you a good chance for the algorithm to start showing your videos even to people outside your subculture or public. This can be good for introducing new people to your kind of culture.

But, if you want to go even further, try creating your viral sounds because according to a TikTok article, 65% of users would prefer to see videos from brands featuring original sounds.

Interact with other TikTok accounts

When you interact with your community the algorithm we'll perceive you as more suitable for its platform, since you generate more conversation for this social media.

Luckily, TikTok is one of the most variated platforms to interact with users because you have options like:

·         Duets

·         Stitch

·         Video replies to comments

With duets you can comment on other creators' videos or even interact with them in singing or acting challenges, it is pretty fun to do. Then, if you create video responses this allows you to create more content based on others' opinions, expanding your audience reach within this video platform. And if you want other creators to duet with your content just go to the privacy settings section and adjust to your needs.

With my best wishes

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عبدالرحمن مجدي - Abdo magdy انا عبدالرحمن 🥰 بحب الطبخ جدا 💖وبحب اجرب اكلات جديده وغريبه 😋


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