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Making Time for Yourself



Making Time for Yourself


Every parent


 wants to do well by their children but it’s important to remember the importance of making time for yourself. We live in a fast-paced, busy world but even the hardest working parent needs to take some time for themselves. It’s important for parents to spend time together as a couple, separate from the children and it’s equally important for each individual to have some time alone for themselves.

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Making Time for Yourself

There are many different ways you can squeeze in a little time for yourself in your normal daily routines as well. For example, do you carpool or wait for your children while they are in sports and other activities? You can spend this time in between traveling to sit in the car, listen to your favorite music, read a book or otherwise experience time alone. This can be a great rejuvenation from the busy activities of the day.

If you want to stay a sane and happy parent, you deserve a break. You deserve some time with yourself where you don’t have to worry about the children or be distracted by events of the household. Here is some more information about the importance of making time for yourself each day.

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Why You Need Time for Yourself

Why is it so important to take time for yourself? Many parents feel like they are being selfish when they take time for themselves but sometimes being a little selfish is a good thing. Every human on earth needs a little time for themselves and parents are no exception.

Taking this time for yourself will keep you sane, keep you focused and keep you motivated for the tasks you must perform each day. Being a parent is hard work so don’t forget to give yourself a much-needed and earned break now and again.

Here are some reasons you need time for yourself:

·       It relieves stress

·       It allows you to relax

·       You can build creativity

·       You develop hobbies

·       You get to know yourself better

·       It will improve your mood and well-being

·       It can improve your health

Have you ever experienced a great afternoon all to yourself just doing something you want to do? If so, then you know that great feeling you have afterwards when you feel rejuvenated and ready to take on many tasks and activities with ease. You can have this feeling on a regular basis when you remember to make time for yourself.

How to Take Time for Yourself

When you make time for yourself, it allows you to grow as a person and as a parent. It also gives you time to relax, de-stress and be ready for the new day ahead. You will have more patience with your children and other people in your life and more energy to do the tasks at hand. Some things, however, are easier said than done and the hard working parent may get to a point where they don’t even know how to take time for themselves anymore.


Here are some ways to make time for yourself:


·       Designate a certain block of time in your daily schedule for doing something you want to do

·       Record your favorite show or program to watch when the kids go to bed

·       Plan a monthly “spa day” where you can get out of the house and treat yourself to a pampering

·       Make a weekly “date night” with your spouse

·       Go for a walk in the evenings (or in the mornings if you prefer)

·       Take a bike ride, roller blade or some other physical activity

·       Take up a hobby and devote a few hours a week to participating in your hobby

·       Get up a bit earlier and take some time before the kids get up or the rest of your day begins

·       If you’re not an early riser, stay up a bit later at night and devote some time to yourself


These are just a few ideas. One of the first steps to making time for yourself is to sit down and make your own list of ways that you can take a little important quality time for yourself. It may be tempting to continue to push and plow through the many tasks you have each day but don’t forget the importance of making time for yourself.


With my best wishes


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