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Foods that help hair growth and density




What are the best hair strengthening foods?


What is the only thing that prevents hair loss?
Diet is one of the main factors for the health and beauty of
 hair, so in this article we will learn about the best foods 
that strengthen hair and increase its length, density and vital
Foods that strengthen hair:
Here are 11 types of food that are among the best foods that 
strengthen hair, so be sure to eat them:
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  1. Salmon:
 Salmon is one of the most foods that promote healthy and 
thick hair, as it contains a rich percentage of omega-3 fatty 
acids, selenium, vitamin D and B vitamins, all of which are 
key elements for healthy hair.
sardine :
Sardines contain a variety of key elements for hair health,
 such as omega-3 fatty acids that limit hair loss and increase
 its density. It also contains vitamin D, which promotes the 
health of hair follicles, whose deficiency in the body is
 linked to hair loss, for example. Scientific studies have
 shown that vitamin D deficiency has been linked to
 alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that causes bald
 patches to appear on the scalp and other parts of the body.
Foods that strengthen and intensify the hair There are many
 foods that nourish the hair, strengthen it, and increase its 
shine, and the most important of these foods are:
Foods that help hair grow quickly
Greek yogurt:
Greek yogurt contains a rich percentage of protein, which 
is the main component of hair strands. It also contains 
vitamin B5, which increases blood flow to the scalp, 
which contributes to hair growth and reduces thinning and
 hair loss.
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 Spinach contains a variety of nutrients such as vitamin 
C, vitamin A, iron, beta-carotene, and folic acid. 
Therefore, eating it contributes to promoting scalp health,
 moisturizing hair, and resisting frizz and breakage.
Because hair is made up of protein, so we must be careful
 to eat foods rich in protein, including eggs, which contain 
a percentage rich in protein. Eggs also contain other
 nutrients, including biotin, a type of vitamin B, whose 
deficiency leads to hair loss.
 Vitamin C contributes to protecting hair from breakage,
 so we recommend eating guava, which is one of the 
richest fruits in this vitamin, as one cup of guava contains
 377 milligrams of vitamin C, which is 4 times more than 
the body’s daily need of vitamin C.
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What strengthens and lengthens hair?
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sweet potato:
If you suffer from dry, matte hair, we advise you to eat
 sweet potatoes that contain an antioxidant, beta-carotene, 
which the body converts to vitamin A, which contributes
 to the secretion of fatty oils that protect hair from dryness
 and fading.
 Nuts such as peanuts, cashews, almonds, and walnuts 
contain a rich percentage of protein, zinc, biotin, and 
healthy fats, which contribute to promoting scalp health 
and stimulating hair growth.
. Chia seeds Chia seeds are a plant source rich in omega-3 
fatty acids. They also contain zinc and copper, which are
 essential elements for promoting hair growth and density.
 They can be eaten by adding them to cereals, juices and
 baked goods.
How do I nourish my hair from the inside?
 Legumes, such as chickpeas, lentils, and beans, are a rich 
source of vegetable proteins. They also contain a rich 
percentage of folic acid, a type of vitamin B. Its deficiency
 leads to anemia caused by folic acid deficiency, and its
 symptoms include thinning hair. To avoid the deficiency 
of this important element, We recommend eating legumes 
such as chickpeas, a cup of which contains 72 micrograms 
of folic acid.
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Avocado contains vitamin E, which increases blood 
circulation and enhances the functions of hair follicles to 
stimulate hair growth. This vitamin also helps maintain the
 pH of hair, which leads to clogging of hair follicles and 
limiting hair growth.
The inclusion of the foods that we talked about in the
 article is one of the most important natural means that 
promote hair health and growth.
Food that strengthens hair and prevents its loss
Greek yogurt:
Greek yogurt is a very rich source of protein and substances
 that increase blood flow to the scalp, which increases hair 


It helps increase blood flow to the scalp, which increases 
the access of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicle. Eggs:
 Eggs are very rich in protein, iron, and B vitamins that
 help hair growth. Oysters: They are very rich in zinc, 
which prevents hair loss.
 Causes of hair loss:

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 There are several reasons that lead to hair loss, including:


Use of certain medications and nutritional supplements.
 Some hormonal changes. Family history of hair loss.
 Radiation therapy for cancer patients, especially the head 
Emotional or physical trauma. Applying hot oils to treat 
hair, which causes inflammation in the hair follicle.
Bad diet.
 Getting old.

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What is hair follicle food?



Important nutrients for hair health There are several nutrient
s that have a strong relationship with strengthening hair, 
and their deficiency negatively affects hair health, the most 
important of which are:
 Vitamin D. b vitamins Vitamin E. Vitamin A. vitamin 
C. Vitamin K.

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With my best wishes


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عبدالرحمن مجدي - Abdo magdy انا عبدالرحمن 🥰 بحب الطبخ جدا 💖وبحب اجرب اكلات جديده وغريبه 😋


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the smell of roses