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Baby Clothes: Keeping Up With Wardrobe Needs






Baby Clothes: Keeping Up With Wardrobe Needs


Most babies start out with newborn clothing but within a matter of weeks will be graduating to their next size up.  The third move usually happens before six months.  During the first year of your child's life, they may move through as many as four sizes of clothing.  Keeping up with baby clothes is difficult at best, and it can weigh heavily on the budget.  Yet, by making a few simple decisions and working to choose the best products out there, you can save

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money and even help others to do so as well.


Choosing Clothing


That frilly dress and that cute as can be dress shirt and tie designed for baby may look great but if these items will not be a needed accessory, skip them. Many of these pieces of clothing are overpriced.  It is often the case that parents and grandparents will purchase baby clothing that looks great but has little function to it. You may have a difficult time changing the baby's diaper or they may not have any place to wear such an outfit.  Instead of buying overpriced pieces you won't appreciate, choose more sensible pieces.


Purchase appropriate sizes, too.  During the first weeks of school "newborn" size clothing will work well, but do not purchase so much that you have dressers full of it. Your child is likely to graduate into the 3 to 6 month clothing size within two to two and a half months of being born. During those first weeks, he or she will need little more than blankets and onesies to wear, several per day. A few cute outfits is plenty since you will be changing baby more often than any other time and will want simpler clothing.  ON the other hand, do keep enough on hand so that you can change the baby without worrying about running a load of laundry.


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Gifts of Clothing


One area that affects many parents is the number of people who want to give them a cute outfit or those who want to do something for baby.  Ask them to help with clothing that is sensible and usable in baby's life. This means choosing clothing that is durable and ones that can have easy laundering.  Dry clean only baby clothing is not something you will want to invest in.  While everyone loves to give cute outfits, let them know you are more likely to use clothing that is more sensible and every day useful.  They will appreciate getting some guidance, too.

baby clothes

Cutting Corners


There are many ways to monitor baby-clothing costs.  Here are some tips to help you to save money on the clothing you are buying for baby.

baby clothes

       Buy baby clothing when it is on sale. Hit up the summer sales in the fall season for next year.  Since baby clothing is done by age choose clothing based on the child's age and his or her likely weight (if your child is bigger now, they likely will be bigger later, too.)

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       Trade in clothing and other baby products at consignment shops. Often, you can earn a bit of cash this way which you can turn around and spend in store, too. Clothing here is in good condition and clean, but marked down considerably.

       Trade clothing with other parents you know. At churches, schools, day care centers and even just community groups you will find parents swapping clothing.  If the boy down the street is six months older than your child, ask for their extras once children are have outgrown them.

       Don't be afraid to shop at discount priced stores.  You will find that their baby clothing is just as cute but priced much better.  Since baby will likely stain the clothing anyway, it makes sense to save month there.

baby clothes

The most important thing to consider when buying baby clothes is buying products that your baby can use. Your child's wardrobe will soon be bursting at the seams which will be overwhelming. Yet, by working with other parents and looking for great sales, you can save a considerable amount of money. Don't forget to pass on or donate any baby clothing that you no longer can use.  Keeping a few pieces can be helpful when it comes to memories, but giving those extra pieces away can really help another family in need.


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With my best wishes


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