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Stages of child development from day one



Stages of child development after birth




child development

Stages of child development after birth


As soon as the child is born and becomes part of the outside world, his parents look forward to his stages of development, observing all his details, from steps, movements, smiles, and even the way he looks to others, and in order for the mother to deal well with everything related to her child’s development, she must be fully aware of his stages of development since His birth,

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those stages that we explain in detail below:

stages of development

Baby development stages in months


Stages of child development from day one

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Since the beginning of the birth of the child, he loses about 10% of his birth weight shortly after birth, but as soon as he reaches his second week, he regains his weight again and begins to grow normally, and therefore when he reaches his sixth month, his weight reaches twice the weight he was born with, and the growth of the child is characterized by In the first half of the first year, it is faster compared to the second half, and as soon as the child reaches his fifth month, his height increases by 30%, and with his first year, that percentage becomes 50%.

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As for the stages of growth it goes through, they are as follows


Baby development from birth to 3 months of age


There are many motor developments that can be observed in the child at this stage, which is his ability to lie on the stomach with his chest and head raised.


The child can use his hands to support the upper part of his body when he lies on his stomach, and controls his hands, opening and closing them, as well as hitting hanging objects, holding and moving hand toys, and putting his hands in his mouth.


When a child is lying on his back or stomach, he can stretch his legs and use them to kick, and if he puts his feet on a firm surface, he can press his legs down.

As for the auditory and visual developments at this stage, it is represented in the child's ability to look at existence with interest, to smile when he hears a familiar sound, and when he hears a sound he moves his head towards it and imitates it.


The child can track moving objects, distinguishing people and things he knows when he sees them from a distance.


With regard to social and emotional developments at this stage, it is represented in the child imitating the expressions of the faces of others, and his ability to use his face and body to communicate with those around him increases, and he feels happy when he plays with others, and cries if the play stops.

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Baby development stages in weeks

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Baby development from 4 months to 6 months

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At this stage, the child is able to understand some words, and he succeeds in pronouncing some consonant sounds and letters. He also pays attention when someone calls him by his name because he succeeded in distinguishing him, and when he wants to express his feelings, he finds nothing better than his voice to use for that.

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Among the kinetic developments that occur to the child during this stage is the child's attempt to crawl by pushing his body, and he may lean on his knees to rock forward and backward, as well as roll from his stomach to his back and vice versa.


The child also gives up grasping the hands of others, and uses others to stand up and try to move up and down, and uses his fingers to reach things that are not far from him to catch them.

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The child feels happy when he sees familiar faces, while crying for fear of loud voices. The child is also socially active, so he responds to those who interact with him and seeks to attract attention by smiling, in addition to his ability to express his various feelings of anger, sadness, happiness, and others.

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And about the cognitive development of the child at this stage, it is represented in his ability to reach the things he sees, and he realizes the place where he drops his toys, in addition to directing his body to the place he wants to go to and then moving towards it.

Also at this stage, the child works to understand what surrounds him, so he puts the toys and things that meet him in his mouth combiotic


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Child development stages from 6 to 12 months


From the time the child reaches his sixth month until he completes his first year of life, he goes through several stages in his behavioral, motor, cognitive and emotional development, which are:


Baby development from 6 months to 9 months


At this stage, the mother notices her child developing his communication skills, including issuing various sounds, imitating the sounds and gestures of others, pointing to things with fingers, and understanding the word “rejection”.


And about the motor developments that appear on the child at this stage, his ability to crawl, sit on his own without the need for the help of others, his ability to stand after his success in pulling things and relying on them to do so.



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And about emotional and social development during this stage, the child becomes a favorite for some games over others, his attachment to familiar people around him increases, and he feels fear and awe towards strangers.


With regard to the cognitive developments that appear on the child at this stage, they are represented in using his hands to move things easily, using his thumb and forefinger fingers to pick up things, putting things in his mouth, enjoying the game of hiding and suddenly showing the face, noticing what others hide in front of him, paying attention to Things that fall and follow their path.



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Baby development from 10 to 12 months old


At this stage, the child succeeds in pointing to things, as he calls out to his parents, uses the words of Papa and Mama, and can say other words.

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Among the other skills that the child acquires at this stage is his ability to understand easy questions such as what is the sound of the cat? Or where are your mouth and eyes?, as he waves to others as they bid farewell.


And kinesthetically, the skills that appear on the child during this stage are his ability to stand and walk on his own without assistance, success in grasping things with his hands such as cubes, eating a small amount of food using the hands, using the thumb and forefinger fingers to grasp things accurately.

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Emotionally and socially, the child cries if one of his parents is out of his sight, feels pleasure when he plays games through which he interacts socially, finds pleasure when he sees pictures and enjoys when stories are read to him, with a sense of pride when he acquires new skills such as standing, walking, grasping things, and so on. .

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 And about cognitive skills, it is represented in imitating children who are older than him, staring at books and turning in their pages, and when he does what he feels pleasure, he repeats it such as dropping toys and throwing things away, and executing orders that require him to take one step such as fetching things.


Baby development from 13 months to 15 months


At this stage, the child acquires several skills, which are his ability to bring things, distinguish body parts and point to them when pronouncing their name, pronounce new words correctly, and express the thing he wants, whether by pointing at it or pulling it.

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Motorically, the child's skills develop, so that he can scribble on papers using crayons, succeed in holding three pieces of cubes, control his drinking of liquids and drink them in an open cup, pick up things after sitting in a squatting position, and walk several steps without the need for assistance.


On the emotional and social side, the skills that the child acquires during this stage are represented in showing his fear of some things such as showers and loud sounds, increasing interest in some activities and preferring them over his nap time, showing his feelings to the individuals close to him, as these feelings appear in hugs and kisses.


Cognitive developments during this stage are represented in focusing on activities carried out by adults and imitating them, his ability to interact with activities that require skills such as solving easy puzzles, understanding simple commands and the ability to implement them.



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Frequently Asked Questions


How do you know that the child is abnormal?


There are some signs that can be inferred that the child is not developing abnormally, such as not responding to touch and sounds, delay in crawling or sitting, delay in mental response, difficulty speaking, loss of interest.





How do I make my baby grow quickly?


To promote the development of the infant, it is necessary to hold him so that he feels safe, respond quickly to his tears, and talk to him continuously even if he does not understand the words.



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With my best wishes


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