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The benefits of patting the newborn



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Some families do what is known as tahneek with dates or honey, which is putting a small part of soaked or chewed dates in the mouth of the newborn, in compliance with the Sunnah of our master Muhammad, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. Tahneek has many health benefits for newborn babies. Therefore, our Holy Prophet advised it, as it contains many vitamins, which are a good example of food


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Good, and in this article we will learn about the best way to muhnik a newborn baby, and its health benefits.



The method of taming the newborn with dates


The best way to tahneek a child born with dates is by softening the dates, either by chewing or soaking. If dates are not available, it is possible to smear them with honey, and it is preferable when doing the tahneek by chewing, that this be done by the mother of the child if she is healthy, sound and free from diseases. Therefore, it is preferable to The dressing is done by soaking in order to avoid transmitting any disease to the newborn child, as his immunity has not yet been formed.


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The best time to bathe a newborn


The best time for a newborn to be swaddled is the first day of his birth, as studies have shown that many children are susceptible to hypoglycemia or a sudden drop in body temperature when exposed to cold currents after getting used to the warmth in the womb, and therefore the benefit of smearing lies Dates contain a small amount of sugar that raises the level of sugar in the blood, thus providing the child with the energy needed to make him warm.


The effect of low blood sugar on the newborn


Newborns are vulnerable to a low blood sugar level, and the younger they are, the lower their level of smallness is alarmingly low, so doctors work immediately after birth to measure the level of sugar in the blood of the newly born child in order to ascertain his level of sugar, and give him glucose by The mouth, if the percentage is low, and the sugar level is very important, as it provides the brain with energy that affects its ability. A decrease in the level of sugar works to weaken the ability of the brain to perform its functions, which exposes the child to death.


Symptoms of hypoglycemia in infants


Frequent tremor.


Cyanosis (a blue color that appears on the lips, tongue, and nails).


Stop breathing for more than twenty seconds.


Low body temperature.


Inability to breastfeed.


Decreased consciousness and persistent sleep.



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Wisdom from Thanik newborn


The benefits of patting the newborn


Maintaining a normal blood sugar level.


Giving the body the energy needed to warm the newborn.


Strengthening the gums and muscles of the mouth in preparation for breastfeeding.


Instinctive stimulation of swallowing and lactation.


Facilitating digestion and preparing the digestive system to receive milk.


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Dates for infants from the sixth month


Tahneek is in which the child is made to suck dates in order for the sugar to reach him, but this does not mean that the child swallows the dates. The child should not be fed dates before the age of six months so that he can swallow and digest them easily.


And when offering dates to the child by cutting them into small pieces and then mashing them after the outer crust is removed, or adding them to the milk and mashing them well, then feeding them to the child, but it must start with one date per day, so that the child does not get used to eating sugars only, and it is possible after Gradually increase the number of dates.


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Benefits of dates for infants


Dates contain many health benefits for infants such as:


– It stimulates bone growth and strengthens it, because it contains large amounts of calcium and magnesium.


– Helps the growth and development of the brain, as dates contain potassium, which improves brain function.


– Works to treat digestive disorders in infants, and helps digestion.


– It protects the liver from various diseases, and works to improve its functions.


– It strengthens the teeth of the infant, and accelerates their growth.


It helps speed up the recovery of the child when he has an infection, and works to strengthen his immune system.


– Protects the infant from iron deficiency anemia, because it contains a high percentage of iron.



Thanik per year


Tahnik is a Sunnah on the authority of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. Asma bint Abi Bakr says, when she became pregnant with Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr in Makkah, she said: “So I went out while I was full (i.e. I completed the ninth month of pregnancy), so I came to Medina, so I stayed in Quba and gave birth to Quba, then I came to the Messenger of God ( Peace be upon him), I put him in his lap, then he called for a date, so he chewed it, then spit in his mouth, and the first thing that entered his stomach was the saliva of the Messenger of God (may God bless him and grant him peace). He was born in Islam, so they rejoiced with him with great joy, because they were told: “The Jews have bewitched you, so you will not be born.”


Tahnek newborn baby dates


Embrace the newborn after two weeks



With my best wishes


عن الكاتب

عبدالرحمن مجدي - Abdo magdy انا عبدالرحمن 🥰 بحب الطبخ جدا 💖وبحب اجرب اكلات جديده وغريبه 😋


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