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Symptoms of hearing loss in infants?



Signs of hearing loss in newborns


How do I know that a newborn baby can hear?




What is hearing loss in newborns?


Can newborns distinguish the mother’s voice? It is a question frequently asked by mothers who have doubts that their children suffer from hearing loss, which is one of the common birth defects. By congenital defects, some of the structural changes that occur at the time of birth also mean that these congenital defects cause some public health problems. For the child from a young age that continues with growth, or that affects the way the body develops and grows, or how it works, and according to statistics, between three out of every thousand children (less than 1%) are born with one type of hearing loss in the United States every general.


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How to check the hearing of a newborn at home


Hearing test for children at home



Causes of hearing loss in newborns


When a child is born with hearing loss, this is known as congenital hearing loss, it affects the issue of when the child knows his mother, and hearing impairment can also develop later in children or during childhood or during puberty, and hearing loss can occur when No part of the ear is working the way it normally would in a developing child, and the severity of earaches can range


Degrees of hearing impairment


Hearing loss from mild to severe as follows:


Moderate hearing loss:


A person with this type of hearing loss can hear some speech sounds, but it is difficult for him to hear quiet sounds.


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Moderate hearing loss:


The person cannot hear many speech sounds when someone speaks at a normal volume.



severe hearing loss:


The sufferer cannot hear any speech sounds when someone speaks at a normal volume, but can only hear some of the loud sounds.


Profound hearing loss:


The person cannot hear any speech sounds, but can only hear very loud sounds.


Signs of newborn hearing loss


In the event that signs of hearing impairment appear on the child at any time or during the period of development of the child's senses, parents should contact his health care provider in order to examine the child's hearing. Signs of hearing impairment in a newborn may include the following:


 When does the sense of hearing develop in an infant?


Causes of hearing loss in one ear




Doesn't get startled or react to loud sounds.


It appears that he hears some sounds but not others.


He doesn't look towards sound after he's six months old



Not saying single words like “mama” or “dada” when he is one year old.


If he sees someone turning his head to him, but not if he is called by his name only.

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Types of hearing loss in newborns


The child's auditory system is a system in his body that helps him hear, and through it the audio information is transformed into a more logical one, as it is transmitted from the ear to the brain since the beginning of the senses of hearing and sight in newborns, and some problems may result in those parts of the auditory system that cause loss hearing:



The outer ear:


This part of the ear that is on the outside of the eardrum, the outside of the head and the ear canal, and separates the outer ear from the middle ear includes the eardrum.

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middle ear:


That part of the eardrum consists of the inside and three small bones known as the ossicles. The sound coming into the ear is transmitted through the ear canal towards the eardrum, which results in the eardrum vibrating specifically (it moves forward and backward quickly), and when the eardrum vibrates, it moves ossicles, which helps sound travel to the inner ear.


inner ear:


This part consists of the cochlea (a curly tube filled with 
fluid) and the channels that work to achieve balance. The
 inner ear also contains nerves It changes sound vibrations 
into signals that travel through the auditory nerve (also 
known as the auditory nerve) to the brain. The auditory
 nerve sends sound information from the ear to the brain.

Common types of hearing loss include:


Conductive hearing loss: This type occurs when there is 

a problem in the outer or middle ear that slows or blocks the passage of sound waves. Problems may include fluid in the middle ear or blockage in the ear canal. This type of hearing loss is usually temporary and not permanent. It can be treated either through medication or surgical treatment.


Hearing in newborns


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Sensorineural hearing loss


 This type of hearing loss occurs when there is a problem with how the auditory nerve or the inner ear works. It may also occur when certain cells in the inner ear are damaged. This type of hearing loss is often permanent and difficult to treat.


Mixed hearing loss:


This occurs when the child suffers from conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.


Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder


Also called ANSD), in which case the problem of the auditory nerve or the problem of the inner ear or the brain prevents from understanding and perceiving the sound.


How do you know if your child has a hearing loss?


How do I test a newborn's hearing?


In this regard, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend that all children be screened for hearing loss before they are one month old. Part of the examination of newborns before they leave the hospital after birth. Also, newborn examinations represent a search for serious but rare health conditions that can often be treated at birth and in the period following it. The blood examination includes both hearing and heart as well.



In the case that the child does not pass the newborn hearing test, this does not always mean that he suffers from a hearing impairment problem - but it requires that he be subjected to a complete audiological test as soon as possible before that child reaches the age of three months, as a complete hearing test can help. Child health care diagnosis of hearing loss.


And in the event that it is proven through testing and examination that the child suffers from hearing impairment, it is important and necessary for him to obtain immediate treatment, and in the United States every state has an Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program that is based on helping children with hearing impairment and their families, it can also help with complete hearing tests and other services for the child.




· With my wishes of happiness






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