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Jaundice in Newborns(1)


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Jaundice in Newborns(1)



may interest youJaundice in Newborns(2) 

Jaundice is the yellow color seen on the skin of many newborn babies. Jaundice is caused by a buildup of a bilirubin in your baby’s blood. It happens because their livers aren’t developed enough to get rid of the bilirubin. Jaundice is very common and usually goes away on its own. Sometimes babies need treatment with phototherapy.

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What is jaundice in newborns?

Jaundice in newborns is the yellow coloring in an infant’s skin. Jaundice occurs when bilirubin (pronounced “bil-ih-ROO-bin”) builds up in your baby’s blood. Hyperbilirubinemia is the medical term for this condition.

Bilirubin is a yellow substance your body creates when red blood cells break down. While you’re pregnant, your liver removes bilirubin for your baby. But after birth, your baby’s liver must begin removing bilirubin. If your baby’s liver isn’t developed enough, it may not be able to get rid of bilirubin. When excess bilirubin builds up, your baby’s skin may appear yellow.

Jaundice in infants is common. It’s usually not serious and goes away within a couple of weeks. But it’s important for your baby’s healthcare provider to check them for jaundice. Severe jaundice can lead to brain damage if it goes untreated.

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What are the different types of newborn jaundice?

There are a few different types of jaundice in newborns.

Physiological jaundice

The most common type of jaundice in newborns is physiological jaundice. This type of jaundice is normal. Physiological jaundice develops in most newborns by their second or third day of life. After your baby’s liver develops, it will start to get rid of excess bilirubin. Physiological jaundice usually isn’t serious and goes away on its own within two weeks.

Breastfeeding jaundice

Jaundice is more common in breastfed babies than formula-fed babies. Breastfeeding jaundice frequently occurs during your baby’s first week of life. It happens when your baby doesn’t get enough breast milk. It can occur due to nursing difficulties or because your milk hasn’t come in yet. Breastfeeding jaundice may take longer to go away.

Breast milk jaundice

Breast milk jaundice is different than breastfeeding jaundice. Substances in your breast milk can affect how your baby’s liver breaks down bilirubin. This can cause a bilirubin buildup. Breast milk jaundice may appear after your baby’s first week of life and may take a month or more to disappear.

Other types of jaundice can occur if your baby has an unrelated medication condition.

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How common is jaundice in newborns?

Jaundice in newborns is a very common condition. Up to 60% of full-term babies develop jaundice during their first week of life. As many as 80% of premature babies develop jaundice during their first week of life.

What are the signs and symptoms of jaundice in newborns?

The main sign of jaundice is the yellowing of your baby’s skin. You can see it best in natural lighting, such as in front of a window. It usually appears in your baby’s face first. The whites of your baby’s eyes and under their tongue may look yellow. As the level of bilirubin increases, the yellowing may move to your baby’s chest, belly (abdomen), arms and legs. Jaundice may be difficult to see if your baby has darker skin. But you should still be able to tell if your baby has jaundice by the color of their eyes and under their tongue.


Comparing a healthy newborn with a newborn with jaundice

What causes jaundice in newborns?

Jaundice happens when your baby’s blood has too much bilirubin. Bilirubin is a chemical your body makes when it breaks down old red blood cells. Your liver normally filters bilirubin from your blood. Your body gets rid of it when you poop.

If your baby’s liver hasn’t developed enough to get rid of bilirubin, it can start to build up. This buildup of bilirubin causes your baby’s skin to look yellow. Most babies develop jaundice in their first few days of life. This is because it takes a few days for your baby's liver to develop and get better at removing bilirubin.

Severe jaundice can occur if your baby has:

  • A blood infection (sepsis).
  • A different blood type than you.
  • Bruising from a difficult birth.
  • Too many red blood cells.
  • A low oxygen level (hypoxia).
  • A liver condition such as biliary atresia.


How is jaundice in newborns diagnosed?

Your baby’s healthcare provider will check for signs of jaundice while you’re still in the hospital. Your baby’s bilirubin level will be highest when they’re three to five days old. It’s important that your baby’s healthcare provider checks them again within this time frame.

Your baby’s healthcare provider can estimate your baby’s bilirubin level by placing a probe on your baby’s head. This test shows the transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB) level. If this level is high, your baby’s healthcare provider will order a blood test to confirm the results. They’ll prick your baby’s heel to collect a small sample of blood. The blood test shows the total serum bilirubin (TSB) level.

The American Academy of Pediatrics uses a newborn jaundice level chart to determine if a baby needs treatment. The chart is based on your baby’s total serum bilirubin level and age.

Total serum bilirubin (TSB) level

Age of newborn

Above 10 milligrams

Less than 24 hours old

Above 15 milligrams

24 to 48 hours old

Above 18 milligrams

49 to 72 hours old

Above 20 milligrams

Older than 72 hours.


With my best wishes

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