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Jaundice in Newborns(2)




may interest you Jaundice in Newborns(1)

Jaundice in Newborns(2)


How is jaundice in newborns treated?

Treatment for jaundice in newborns isn’t usually necessary. Mild levels of jaundice typically go away on their own as your baby’s liver continues to develop. This can take one to two weeks. Feeding your baby often (10 to 12 times a day) can encourage pooping (bowel movements). This helps your baby rid their body of the excess bilirubin.

If your baby’s bilirubin level is high or continues to rise, their healthcare provider may recommend phototherapy treatment. During phototherapy, your baby will be undressed and placed under special blue lights. They’ll wear only a diaper and a mask to protect their eyes. Phototherapy helps your baby’s liver get rid of excess bilirubin. The lights won’t harm your baby. Phototherapy treatment takes one to two days. If your baby’s bilirubin levels aren’t too high, you may be able to treat your baby with light therapy at home.

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In rare cases when phototherapy doesn’t work, your baby’s healthcare provider may recommend an exchange transfusion. With an exchange transfusion, some of your baby’s blood is replaced with fresh, donated blood.


How can I prevent jaundice in my newborn?

Jaundice in newborns is normal and usually can’t be prevented. You can reduce the risk that your baby will develop severe jaundice by feeding them often. Frequent feedings stimulate regular bowel movements which will help your baby get rid of the bilirubin.

  • Breastfed babies: You should breastfeed your baby eight to 12 times a day during their first week of life.
  • Formula-fed babies: You should give your baby one to two ounces (30 to 60 milliliters) of formula every two to three hours during their first week of life. Ensure at least eight feeds in a 24-hour period.

Also, make sure your baby’s healthcare provider checks your baby’s bilirubin level before you leave the hospital. Schedule a follow-up visit during your baby’s first week of life to have the bilirubin level checked again.

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How long does jaundice in newborns last?

Jaundice in newborns is normal. It usually develops by their second or third day of life. In formula-fed babies, jaundice typically goes away on its own within two weeks. In breastfed babies, jaundice can last a month or longer.

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What is the outlook for jaundice in newborns?

Jaundice in newborns is common. For most babies, jaundice will get better without treatment within one to two weeks. But it’s important to have your baby’s bilirubin level checked. A high bilirubin level can lead to serious health conditions if it’s not treated immediately. These conditions include cerebral palsy, deafness and kernicterus, a type of brain damage.


When should my baby see their healthcare provider?

You should return for a visit with your baby’s healthcare provider shortly after leaving the hospital. Your baby’s bilirubin level will be at its highest when they’re between three and five days old. The timing of your visit will depend on your baby’s age when you left the hospital, their bilirubin level when you left the hospital and other factors.

When should I call my baby’s healthcare provider?

You should contact your baby’s healthcare provider if their jaundice increases or lasts longer than two weeks. Symptoms of severe jaundice may include:

  • Your baby’s skin turns brighter yellow or orange.
  • Your baby is very sleepy, including difficult to wake for feeds.
  • Your baby is very fussy.
  • Your baby isn’t nursing well or sucking from a bottle well.
  • Your baby isn’t making enough wet and/or dirty diapers.

When should I go to the ER?

Call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room if your baby has a:

  • High-pitched cry.
  • Fever.
  • Arched body (head/neck or heels bent back and body forward).
  • Stiff, limp or floppy body.

What questions should I ask my baby’s healthcare provider?

Jaundice in your newborn can be alarming. It’s normal to have questions if your baby develops jaundice in the hospital or after you’ve left for home. Common questions you may want to ask their healthcare provider include:

  • How can I tell if my baby has jaundice?
  • What complications can occur from jaundice?
  • Will my baby need treatment for jaundice?
  • Can I treat my baby’s jaundice at home?
  • Can phototherapy harm my baby?
  • How long does it take for jaundice to go away?
  • When should we return for a follow-up visit?

A note from Cleveland Clinic

You may be a little worried if your baby looks yellow, but jaundice is a very common condition in newborns. Your baby’s healthcare provider should check your baby’s bilirubin level before you leave the hospital and again within five days of birth. While jaundice is usually not serious, it can be dangerous if not treated properly. If your newborn baby’s jaundice hasn’t improved or seems worse, call your baby’s healthcare provider right away. They can give your baby another bilirubin test to ensure they’re on their way to good health.




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With my best wishes


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